Mobile Suite for XenForo [Deleted]

@TMA thank you very much for adding me there. Unfortunately I do not have the Facebook Messenger. And it seems to be the prerequisite to use push notifications. My original question was in regard of Safari support as standalone. I remember Apple planned support for it but it seems not ready yet?
It is a pre-requisite for iOS until Apple releases support for native notifications, whenever it is that they do that.
I just tried to install this and got the following error:

Template modifications keys must be unique. The specified key is already in use.

It doesn't appear that any of the template modifications worked. I also don't see any modifications using those keys.
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That seems to have fixed the issue. Although another request for naming your zips something other than Maybe something like
He apparently does not care
Can you please use a version number in the filename when you update the listing? It always downloads as " which in and of itself doesn't really follow in line with what most poeple do for a naming convention. You should at least have the filename include the actual name of tha addon and version number. I'm one of those people that hoards old versions (disk space is cheap) and also sometimes I only get around to doing updates monthly so if more than one version comes out between updates I like to be able to check that quick. I can't tell any of that with yours.

I would recommend using this format: "" then just update the version number in the title with each update.

Just a friendly suggestion.
I'm unable to download image assets. I get the following error:

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.
Just keeping track of the name changes. :)

10/13/2017 Push Notifications Without an App for XenForo
10/25/2017 Mobile/Web Push Notifications Without an App for XenForo
11/15/2017 Mobile Push for XenForo
11/17/2017 Mobile Push Notifications for XenForo
01/27/2018 Mobile Suite for XenForo
02/07/2018 Boost traffic, make members stick, and increase ad revenue
I am a bit lost on the names. First it was without an App and later it became a suite WITH an App?
Will it become available without App again?
I'm unable to download image assets. I get the following error:

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.
Send your request to and we'll help resolve the issue there.
Actually, we might have to ask you to change the name back to better describe what the resource actually is. It's a bit "click-baity" right now.

Please see points 1 and 2 here:
I gave this thought before updating the title; between adding a video, having the description here or on the site, the primary and most frequent question always sent to us is not what the product name is but "what does this add-on do for my forum".

Is it click-baity on the surface, there's a strong argument for that, but that is because it gets straight to the point instead of putting the name first or describing the technical function; there is no temporary sale or promotion. The literal product name is also still there, it's just in the tag line.
Is it click-baity on the surface, there's a strong argument for that, but that is because it gets straight to the point instead of putting the name first or describing the technical function; there is no temporary sale or promotion. The literal product name is also still there, it's just in the tag line.

Come on mate, people can figure out what it is from a reasonable plugin name in the title and then read the description or watch your video to understand it.

How are admins supposed to recommend it to other admins if it's a good product?

Admin 1: "Oh yeah, you should definitely get that push / mobile app thing for XenForo"

Admin 2: "Sounds great, is it an official add on?"

Admin 1: "No it's a really good 3rd party plugin"

Admin 2: "Alright sound, what's it called?"

Admin 1: "I'm not sure, I don't know if it has a title, but it has something about boosting ads and sticking to members in the title"

Admin 2: 😑

It doesn't instill confidence when you keep changing the name. Pick a name name and just stick to it. I didn't know what to call it myself when I asked about it on another forum the other day and I probably follow these kinds of threads more than most as I want it to do well. Mobile Suite works well, it's obviously a complex and fast changing product making a high quality description section/video important. Put the sales pitch and explainer in there. People will still find it.
The title is click-baity through and through, not just in the surface. You did the same thing on vB with the Spam Hammer addon and that did not turn out well either, one would have thought you learned from that debacle. If you want to be taken as a professional developer please choose a name that is a better description of what the mod is and stick with it.
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