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MMO Tooltips 1.0.6

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WoW tooltips not working for me on XF 1.5.9 and PHP 7.0. Anyone else have this issue?

Quit working for me a while back, keep forgetting to check in. Not sure if it's the DB I'm using or what (DestinyDB) but it's been inactive since I updated to xF 1.5.7.
Yea, the issue with most of these trackers is they only last until the popularity of the game remains. Your also at the mercy of 3rd party owners who might lose interest fast once the game's newness wears off.

Would it be possible to add the gwent bdd ?

I give the link to the database: Gwentdb

Thank you in advance.
They don't have a tooltips option at all so this can't be supported. The site is fairly new and they might add that in the future.

I am not the developer but I have played with all of this quite a bit.
As far as I can tell , there isn't a tooltip available for l2, the game would need a database site with tooltips api setup. I don't create the code for that , I just make it easy to turn it on and off again.
Just re-added to my site and all tooltips minus some graphic defunk with destinydb and hearthead. Hearthhead looks like they redid the site late last year and will have a new tool tip soon, when they do i'll add it. Otherwise wow and others seem to work fine.
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