XF 2.2 Minimum posts to create conversation?


Well-known member
Is there a setting for minimum posts to start a conversation? I just had a member tell me that he could not message a member. He just joined and has 0 posts.

I have dug around and haven't found anything.
Is there a setting for minimum posts to start a conversation? I just had a member tell me that he could not message a member. He just joined and has 0 posts.

I have dug around and haven't found anything.
Isn't it also possible that the target member they were trying to message had turned off their private conversations? (Either totally turned off or set to followed members only...)
Isn't it also possible that the target member they were trying to message had turned off their private conversations? (Either totally turned off or set to followed members only...)

I was thinking about that as well.

I just want to ensure that I don't have something set to disallow conversations until a post threshold is reached.
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