XF 1.1 Minified CSS

You may have noticed that the CSS running on XenForo.com is now minified...

Screen shot 2011-09-09 at 17.49.54.webp

Just saying :)

Screen shot 2011-09-09 at 17.50.34.webp
My server uses eAccelerator and Zend Optimizer... do I still need to edit my config.php? Or can I just use this?
My server uses eAccelerator and Zend Optimizer... do I still need to edit my config.php? Or can I just use this?
eAccelerator and Zend Optimiser are OpCode caches (they cache the compiled versions of the PHP code, saving lots of processing time) but they are not user data caches. For that you need APC, Memcached or file caching (or any of the other Zend_Cache_Backend options)
Nice little addition, I actually write it like that in other forum software for efficiency, automating it makes it a lot easier.
Has anyone else noticed Google Chrome not working well with XenForo? I inspect things and they don't show the CSS. Might just be a fault dev version, but just wondering if anyone else had this issue.
Has anyone else noticed Google Chrome not working well with XenForo? I inspect things and they don't show the CSS. Might just be a fault dev version, but just wondering if anyone else had this issue.

I have had this issue as well with the pop up member card
Has anyone else noticed Google Chrome not working well with XenForo? I inspect things and they don't show the CSS. Might just be a fault dev version, but just wondering if anyone else had this issue.

Yeah, I'd noticed that when I tried giving skinning a go. Pretty annoying issue seeing as I depend on Web Inspector as I'm lazy.
Glad I'm not the only one. I know its not XenForo's fault, its Google's, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy.
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