Minecraft Paid Username Validation [Deleted]

I would like to request one tiny bit of functionality that would make this addon really awesome:
  • The ability to use a custom profile field instead of the username, (which then makes it required during registration). This is for sites where their forum name is what their ingame nickname is, since not everyone has been lucky enough to get their usual nickname as minecraft name.
For some reason this addon just stopped working for me. I'm going to try to re-install it. I don't know what happened...
Anything in your server error log?
What do you mean by not working? Be specific.

What is the expected outcome vs what really happens? Are you receiving errors? Are valid users being declined? Invalid users being accepted? etc. Not working tells me nothing, I can't help you with nothing.
Anything in your server error log?
What do you mean by not working? Be specific.

What is the expected outcome vs what really happens? Are you receiving errors? Are valid users being declined? Invalid users being accepted? etc. Not working tells me nothing, I can't help you with nothing.
It's letting people that have non-minecraft.net names register. There are no errors logged...
It sounds like your server is having trouble communicating with Minecraft.net. It could have been a temporary problem as a result of an outage at Mojang. Do you have the option set to accept registration if users cannot be verified?

If you have shell access to your server, try to ping minecraft.net and paste the result. Otherwise, post or PM me the URL to your site?
It sounds like your server is having trouble communicating with Minecraft.net. It could have been a temporary problem as a result of an outage at Mojang. Do you have the option set to accept registration if users cannot be verified?

If you have shell access to your server, try to ping minecraft.net and paste the result. Otherwise, post or PM me the URL to your site?
You're right, this is very very strange it's having 100% packet loss!

While google pings work in about 2 ms...

--- minecraft.net ping statistics ---
61 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 60002ms

My site is my signature, www.minecraftnation.org
Try a traceroute? The addon requires a connection to Minecraft.net. Have you modified any network configuration or anything that could cause problems like this? Any firewall rules?

One thought would be perhaps spam registrations were causing so many connections from your IP that it was blacklisted on Mojang's side.
Yeah it might be blacklisted, and the tracert doesn't show much since most of the servers are hidden.

I have my website go through CloudFlare so it would be the CF IP, Mojang doesn't even know mine...
Hmm. I think the request would show the IP of your server though because the request comes directly from PHP. If you got blacklisted, you'd have to contact Mojang to see about them lifting it. They'd probably want you to install some anti-spam tools so it doesn't flood their servers with requests though.

If you can't get it working I will refund you for the addon.
Hmm. I think the request would show the IP of your server though because the request comes directly from PHP. If you got blacklisted, you'd have to contact Mojang to see about them lifting it. They'd probably want you to install some anti-spam tools so it doesn't flood their servers with requests though.

If you can't get it working I will refund you for the addon.
Well I have KeyCaptcha, their new setup blocks all spam so far. I have Akismet for messages, but the other SMS and similar pre-registration ones were blocking a lot of good traffic as well, so I don't know yet...
I would recommend disabling the addon for now. I have contacted Mojang and will let you know when I hear back from them. Thanks for the report.
The script has since been restored and the addon can be re-enabled. Also just for reference, you can use a secure connection by using https in the settings.
i posted how to do this yourself for free a while ago on this site. cool plugin.
My method of validation is different (not in datawriter, wasn't even aware of yours, I coded this by request), and this addon does not require any code edits and is fully integrated with XenForo's options and file health check. Also I provide support for it, and should Mojang offer a way to authenticate with their account systems it would be released as a free update.
Jeremy P updated Minecraft Paid Username Validation with a new update entry:


  • Workaround for conflict with Minecraft Avatar addon
This release does not offer any changes for end-users, so I have not notified existing users. Existing users are free to contact me for the update if they also run the "Minecraft Avatar" addon.
Please note the issue lies in the Avatar addon not dealing properly with addons extending the same code. For now I've made changes to run this addon first, which does allow for addons extending the same code.
To upgrade, just import...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Okay, I just purchased this add-on and it took me to a dead site. Opening a PayPal Claim, do NOT PURCHASE THIS ADDON. Author's site is dead.

You didn't purchase it from me. And if you did you got the add-on. There's no site involved but this one and Paypal, neither of which are dead.
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