MicroQuiz [Paid] [Deleted]

he got the domain for me and i have not updated the info

Hmmm that's odd. I have purchased many domains over the years.. It's pretty standard that your prompted to update your contact info when accepting the push of the domain to your account from the person you purchased from. Also your domain was registered in Oct of this year.. This month.. Due to ICANN ruling, you can not transfer a domains ownership for 90 days after purchase. Also it is against ICANN ToS to have incorrect contact information (you being the owner not Micheal) and is grounds for domain deletion.
Hey, no one is accusing you of anything.

He got you the domain names, XenForo license, on the same server, with the same name servers.

It certainly could be a coincidence.

If the IP addresses used to post here were the same, then I'd begin to ask questions but, sadly, we don't have access to that information.

All I would hope is that Micheal strongly considers his position, and decides to give these customers what they are owed. It can only work in his favour as I'm sure his products would get him more income and his customers who have paid their hard earned money to him will be happy once their issues have been resolved.

This stuff isn't going away and it's already given Mike2020 a bad name, so between you I reckon you should sort it out. As a fellow "programmer" respect is earned and I see very little here that has earned any respect so perhaps it's time to do the right thing.
There is enough people that want a quiz and/or classifieds add on that I will pay a decent developer to create if anyone is interested. I will test it to make sure it is OK and then get it released for all...any takers
It's shame @Chris D has so much work on right now with sendy, xenproducts and other stuff because I think I would really like the flavour of his quiz addon. Nonetheless, if another developer took it on then I'd watch it very closely because I've never seen such an add-on get any long term support on any platform.
To some, running quizzes on their site may be a novelty. To others, these quizzes may be regular site features and provide real value. To me, such an add-on would enable educational modules, learning events and deliver real value - I'd pay well for that.
And for your info ibaker the only reason my usename is mike is it was my dads name who died when i was young, and its the only way i keep him alive and remember him.
You're telling us that the only way you'll remember your dad is if you use his name + "2020" as your username on websites? If you pick any other username when registering you'll forget your dad? That's both incredibly sad and slightly ridiculous.

If the IP addresses used to post here were the same, then I'd begin to ask questions but, sadly, we don't have access to that information.

Lets assume they are the same; that's still not enough. They're obviously really good friends (I mean the xenforo license and several domains aren't cheap), he probably just lets him get on his computer too.
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I'm not sure what is appropriate here. So - mods - and everyone else - please let me know the appropriate way to handle my post and information (please read @Brogan , @Chris D, @Mike , @Slavik , @Jake Bunce ).

I asked someone to send me the code for this 'abandoned' add-on. I was not pirating it but interested in looking at the code to see if I could help straighten out bugs. Anyone who reads my posts knows --- I'm learning and am not an expert by any means. Most of my time is spent tinkering. However, I was interested in learning and helping.

Anyway, the person sent me the code and I started going through it. It is now working locally on my test environment. Most of the original code (v. 1.0.3) references incorrect file locations as well as another add-on previously sold by the author. After tinkering with it, the code is now stand alone and doesn't require the other add-ons to work. There are tons of irrelevant files but I didn't delete them because they might have been for future features.

How should this proceed? I'm not the author and I didn't have the author's permission. However, people did pay for the add-on and so what is appropriate?

Do you want me to try to contact the author? In which case - how?
Do you want me to post how to fix the code? In which case - how does that influence the copyright?
Do you want me to have people send their files to me and I'll fix it? The repair requires changes in more than one file.

Let me know your thoughts. Again - let's be positive. I'm just interested in helping but don't want to make a big mess of things.

Three images are attached to show that it works :)


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Both you and the person who sent you the files have breached this resource author's rights.

You are not permitted to use the code or release a version of this add-on without the permission of the author.

You are essentially using an add-on unlicensed, regardless of how good your intentions were.
Unfortunately as you aren't the original author of most of the code, and that what you've already done and already suggesting is likely not allowed with this author's License Agreement, there's not a lot you can do.

You would have to try and contact the author, if you can't, you probably can't do much.
I have deleted the previous post as it is essentially encouraging what staff members have already said is not acceptable.

Regardless of the current situation, no-one has the right to redistribute a paid add-on to a third party, without the author's permission.
But license holders have the right to get an addon that they paid for fixed whether they do it themselves or get their next door neighbor who is a coder to fix it for them as long as it isn't done commercially. So what you are saying Brogan is that if a user here asks in a forum how to make an addon that they have purchased work with their style on their site, or anything else for that matter, ONLY the addon owner is allowed to offer advice on how to make it work? If that is the case then shouldn't every reply to a license holders post requesting for help should also be removed unless it is replied to by the Addon Owner. Or if I am wrong please explain why you can ask for help, and get it from other users on addons, but not with this one. This is an above board question for the sake of all XF users
It's been made pretty clear:

No one but the author of this resource is allowed to redistribute the code under any circumstances.
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This type of thing actually falls under the same concept as the Millennium Act, if you buy music you can listen to the way it was purchased.
To change it and yes even mix tape/cd is a copyright violation . I think in this instance the best advice I would give from a legal point not a
developer is disable the add-on at the least or remove it until such time and agreement is made with the owner. Even showing on a website is
a violation until such time and agreement is reached. Trust me had to deal allot with good intention legal wise from people in my business which I am sure you have, but "if" for some reason the owner thinks or sees this as a attempt to take possession could have legal ramifications. Again not even hinting your intent was wrong, but the law seldom looks at intent and they lean more towards the word of the law. Kinda sucks since seems you have something operational. It would have been best first to have gained the permission and copyright edit from them and entered into a biding agreement before you did this as it has to be adjusted from the owner first, then you would not have crossed any areas that are of concern. Just my take from a legal stand point only, not developing and the work.
The official position has been made clear that what LPH is suggesting is unacceptable. If you are unable to understand that, contact me privately.

Any further posts on the subject will be removed and warned.
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