MicroDownloads Commercial [Paid] [Deleted]

I've this error :
change the upload path to this for your site


and make sure the folders are chmod to 777
hi all

As you may have seen im back to working on my scripts.

I will be releasing a new version of the downloads manager soon with some bug fixes and updates.

The main bug fix is to the downloading of a file url this has now been fixed and works well,
just need to finish of testing this and i will give a full list of whats been changed and fixed.
What is about sub categories e.g.:

-> Windows
--> Themes
-> Linux
--> Themes

It would be really nice.
I really think more styling should go into this. The upload file form looks really cluttered. And I would Like to use the text editor that xenforo is using.
I want to buy this but I just need to know a few things first if that's alright.

1. Will it remove the footer?
2. How do I change the downloads Manager tab to something smaller like for example "Downloads"
3. How can I modify the text in the Important Information thing on the right? The thing that currently says "Use these files at your own risk! Enjoy" Because only staff will be allowed to upload the files and the files won't have a virus
I really think more styling should go into this. The upload file form looks really cluttered. And I would Like to use the text editor that xenforo is using.

The upload page has been changed and does not open in an overlay any more.
This new version will also be using the xenforo editor not the one i used before.
I want to buy this but I just need to know a few things first if that's alright.

1. Will it remove the footer?
2. How do I change the downloads Manager tab to something smaller like for example "Downloads"
3. How can I modify the text in the Important Information thing on the right? The thing that currently says "Use these files at your own risk! Enjoy" Because only staff will be allowed to upload the files and the files won't have a virus

1. Will it remove the footer?
No this will not remove the footer thats against the xenforo rules with any mod.
2. How do I change the downloads Manager tab to something smaller like for example "Downloads"
This is easy to change just change the microdownloads_navbar phrase to what you want
3. How can I modify the text in the Important Information thing on the right? The thing that currently says "Use these files at your own risk! Enjoy" Because only staff will be allowed to upload the files and the files won't have a virus
this can also be changed within the phrase manager.
Some news on whats coming in next release.

Have added My Files this will let you view the files you have uploaded.
Change the text editor to use the xenforo version.
Change the upload page to look better and its all on one page now and not in an overlay as before.

Added a backup system where it will backup the info stored in the database about the files to an xml file.
This system also has an import system for re-importing your backup with just a click of a button.

More info on this and when it will be released soon.
Micheal updated Micro Downloads Commercial with a new update entry:

MicroDownloads Change Log version 1.1.5

Version 1.1.4 To 1.1.5

Have changed the upload page not to open in an overlay as this was making things hard to see.
Have change the editor to the xenforo one so that you can use bbcode (so when upgrading you will have to edit your files to use this editor as the old one used html.)
Added a My Files so that you can find your files quickly and easyer for you to edit and update them.
Fixed bug with it adding 2 to the download count every time you downloaded a file.
Changed the download...

Read the rest of this update entry...


  • importbackupmenu.webp
    1.9 KB · Views: 13
  • importxml.webp
    6.5 KB · Views: 13
  • mainpage.webp
    18 KB · Views: 13
  • myfiles.webp
    47.3 KB · Views: 13
What is about this idea?

the categories are listed like this already or do you want the -> on them,
i would not like to see the -> on the as it does not look right.

the way it does it at the moment is
main cat
->sub cat
->sub cat
another main cat
->sub cat

as to making it multi layered categories thats not going to happen as it would land up looking bad when you have
main cat
->sub cat
-->sub sub cat
---> sub sub sub cat
->sub cat
another main cat
->sub cat

it would land up making the category side block look ugaly
as to making it multi layered categories thats not going to happen as it would land up looking bad when you have
main cat
->sub cat
-->sub sub cat
---> sub sub sub cat
->sub cat
another main cat
->sub cat

it would land up making the category side block look ugaly
I mean this ;)
in the next release version 1.1.6 i will be adding in a jquery upload progress bar.
also would any of you want the route prefix changed from microdownloads to something else like apps mods or something else.
if so i will make a copy of this downloads manager but with a diffarent prefix so that you can choose what prefix you would like.
Can you control what groups can download in it? Like say a normal member can view the manager but not download, as were a premium usergroup can download files in it?
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