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[Merc] Profile & Member Card Quick Links (Administrator & User Links) [UPDATED]


Well-known member
What does this add-on do?
  • Add "Edit User" button on Profile and/or Member Card (Options to enable where)
  • Add "Ban User" or "Lift Ban" (based on if the user is banned or not) on Profile and/or Member Card (Options to enable where)
  • Add "Find all Content" or "Find all Threads" buttons to Member Card (Option to enable)
  • Add easy "Start a Conversation" link on the Profile Quick Info (Option to enable)
  • No template edits


Thanks vincent, very simple yet effective. I wont have to search a member in the acp to edit them anymore.
Is it possible to allow X usergroups to edit / ban users without having access to ACP? I mean through the front end.
Is it possible to allow X usergroups to edit / ban users without having access to ACP? I mean through the front end.

That is not what my Add-on does :(
An addon like that also doesn't exist I think :s, sorry
I wonder, why XF haven't "Edit" button in profile as default :whistle:
No free available http://ragtek.org/xenforo/threads/ragtek-link-to-acp-userpage-on-membercard-profile.72/ ^^

But nice one:)
Some suggestions/hints
1. you should use the xenforo link builder to create the links
2. you should precache the tempaltes
nice job
u can also add
find thread or posts in member card
Thanks vincent, very simple yet effective. I wont have to search a member in the acp to edit them anymore.

Just to let you know, I've totally changed this add-on now. And version 2 contains the following updates:
  • Added options.
  • Used xenforo link builder (suggested by ragtek)
  • Precached the templates (suggested by ragtek)
  • Added "Find all Threads" and "Find all Content" in member card (suggested by kkm323)
  • Added quick "Start a Conversation" button.
  • If user is not banned the buttons will show "Ban User", if user is banned it'll show "Lift Ban"
  • Added a check if the user you are visiting is yourself or not.
  • Some other stuff...
Check it out! :D
It shows up on the membercard, but for some reason those buttons on the profile page dont show for me.
Why not add it direct to .xenOverlay.memberCard .userLinks
margin: 5px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #565;
padding: 2px 0;
or use a own css which overrides/adds the nowrap:)

Meh, don't like to use template edits ;)
who's talking about editing it?:D
create a new css file, add the changes and add the css to the template via member_card_links hook
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