XF 2.2 Members email members?


Active member
Maybe I'm misremembering, but is there a way to allow members to choose to allow other members to email them (without revealing their email address?) The previous forum system I used allowed members to choose to have an email link in their profile that would bring up a form that another member could use to sent an email). Does XenForo have this capability?
XF does not have that functionality.

Members can start a conversation with other members and if the recipient has email notification set, they will receive an email.
XF does not have that functionality.

Members can start a conversation with other members and if the recipient has email notification set, they will receive an email.
Ok, thanks for the reply. Maybe someone will create an add-on one of these days. My previous forum software allowed members to email other members via a form so that the recipient's email address was not shown. My members used it quite a lot.
I would have a couple questions, which translate to features I would want in such an add-on.

Is this capability going to be blocked if a member has someone on Ignore? (i.e. would the Ignored user be prevented from contacting the Ignoring user using this method?)
Would members be able to turn it off on their profile if they don't want to get messages this way?

There's a nice idea here, but I would not use it without positive answers to those two questions. Members need to be able to control how they can be contacted and by who.
Thanks for the reply.

Any new feature comes with some corresponding settings. A user option to disable receiving emails this way would be an obvious one. Also the add-on would naturally not allow emails from ignored members.

Actually on my friendly board no-one is ignoring anyone. Although I do moderate new registrations.


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