Member Notes

Member Notes [Paid] 1.0.10

No permission to buy ($15.00)
Thanks for the update.
Our Mods have reported a "bug" with UserNotes. I can confirm.
Mod 1 posts a usernote.
Mod 2 edits that note.
The author of the note gets changed from the original Mod to the most recent editor Mod.
Prefer - it works like forum posts (with an "edited" footnote, rather than a change of author). Is that possible?
That is not intentional. Sorry for the delay will be looking into this shortly.
Nice, like the other ones, but why nobody uses a full editor field with attachments? Very often it makes sense to save a picture.
Pretty confident there is a bug with this.
User 1 posts a note.
User 2 edits that note.
User 2's IP address is incorrectly recorded against User 1.
Moderators have requested that the Notes tab be moved higher up in the hierarchy, because on mobile, it's hidden behind the others. Can you change this to utilize either the <!--[XF:tabs:after_recent_content]--> or <!--[XF:tabs:start]--> hooks? I know I can update the template modification manually (And usually do) but it's frustrating having to redo this every time an update is released.
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