RM 1.1 Max File Size Upload problem


I am experiencing a problem when trying to upload a file into RM.

In RM options the file limit is set to 300 Mb.
In accepted file types, 7z is included.
In php.ini the upload_max_filesize is 400 Mb

Yet, when trying to upload my file (a .7z archive, of about 200 Mb) I get this error:

Help, pls ?

PS: it works as expected with other (smaller) files.
Did you restart the web server after making the changes?

Another thing to check is if they are being overridden elsewhere.

Do you see the changes effective if you look at yoursite.com/admin.php?tools/phpinfo ?
Did you restart the web server after making the changes?
The modifications were done by the hosting provider so I assume they did restart

Another thing to check is if they are being overridden elsewhere.
Where should one look for this ? (it's a simple website, with only XF installed)

Do you see the changes effective if you look at yoursite.com/admin.php?tools/phpinfo ?

There was some advancement meanwhile (I'm online with hosting support for the last 3h almost..):
Now the file is uploaded, and then the "processing phase" begins - the error comes after about 4 minutes. Earlier this morning it was showing up faster.

Also, they (hosting support) say they've managed to do it (upload the file).
max_execution_time is at 350.

Progress since last reply:
Could the name of the file be a problem ? How does RM/XF treat this ? I'll explain.

The file I am trying to upload is called testfile_V0.91+fix.7z and has 200 Mb. It doesn't work.
When I've changed the name of the file to simply testfile.7z, it worked.
Could the engine be troubled by the "." in name and confuses the extension ? (yet, the error message is not something like file type now allowed..).
It should usually be ok because it would see the extension as .7z (it should work backwards to establish the extension is valid).

It's possible the file name could be causing a problem but I would need to test that.

Problem solved after 3hr with hosting support.
It looks like some Mod_Security rules were whitelisted; I wouldn't know to say which ones though.
Hope this could help somebody else at some point.

@Chris D thank you for your replies, it helped steering the investigations in the right direction.

PS: it works no matter the name of the file to be uploaded.

Coming back to this thread after a long time. Site was in osrt of a break for a while. Now it has picked-up again, and users are reporting same kind of problems (some "generic" error when trying to upload a file). After spending some time with host support, they did a few modifications in the Modsecurity and that improved things (but not solved the problem completely).

One example, is that some files can trigger false positives - and then the server would deny the file upload.

One "complete/alternative" solution would be to completely disable Modsecurity.
Did someone running XF tried that already ? Or it would be a very bad idea ?
What might be the risks ?
And finally, would you recommend to do it ? Or if not, how to "optimize" this Modsecurity so that users stop having problems to upload ?
(typical file uploads are 50-300Mb)

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

NOTE: it's a small site with no revenue so still running XF 1.4.3. / RM 1.1.4
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