Master Badge [Paid] [Deleted]

Pls disable the forum_list template modification with the description "Adds MasterBadge level widget to sidebar." and create your own template modification.
The trophy is awarded by cron job and it was designed by default. You can trigger it manually or wait for it.

I bought the AddOn and see that there is a folder in the ZIP File I never had before.
What am I supposed to do with the widget_framework folder?

Pls disable the forum_list template modification with the description "Adds MasterBadge level widget to sidebar." and create your own template modification.
what would that need to look like? today, it's just adding "MasterBadge_Widget::levelWidgetModification".. would i still just need to do that, using a php callback, but would just need to adjust what it's replacing?
@Milano i ended up disabling the template mod, and manually entering "<xen:include template="MasterBadge_widget" />" into the forum_list template where i wanted it... any issues with this approach?
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