Lack of interest Make custom thread field input display order configurable and/or consistent with the output display order

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In relation to this discussion:

The ouput display order for custom thread fields is configurable but the input display order is fixed (with custom field appearing below the main body). To make the custom thread fields system more flexible and increase their utility, I'd suggest making the display order of the input boxes also configurable and/or consistent with the output display order.
Upvote 6
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I second this. And possibly having the possibility to remove the Main Body message completely, so that users will start a thread following simple thread fields.
Any info on this? I have a forum I would like users to only be able to post to using a preset template of fields. Ideally we would be able to disable the main body message box and the thread name and be able to preset a custom feel to populate the thread title.

Thought about hiding them both with css but you cant post a new thread with the thread title and body missing obviously.
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