XF 1.5 Log-in redirects to forum home page, but does not log in

Michael Murguia

Active member
Hey all,

I am hoping you can help with my forums at overlandbound.com/forums

When I try to log on from Chrome, I enter my username and password, the page redirects, but when it lands on the homepage, I am still not logged on. If I use an incorrect password, it correctly redirects to the wrong password page, but correct password simply redirects without logging be on.


First issue.. you are serving your site from both WWW and non-WWW. You need to settle on one or the other and do a rewrite to that one.
if you are bouncing between WWW and non-WWW during your connection, that will cause the issue you are seeing.
First issue.. you are serving your site from both WWW and non-WWW. You need to settle on one or the other and do a rewrite to that one.
if you are bouncing between WWW and non-WWW during your connection, that will cause the issue you are seeing.
Oooh. Thank you. Can you tell me how to fix it? If I make the change, will it break anything else?
and, do I need to do both of these things? Are they separate issues?

Thank you,

If you are using Apache, by modifying the shipping htaccess.txt and renaming it to .htaccess and then adding the appropriate segment in as outlined in the FAQ that Brogan pointed you at. You have to decide which you want then do the appropriate adjustment. Then you need to make sure that your URL in the ACP reflects what you decided.

I need help. I tried to pay for help in another thread and the post was deleted. There is a broken process here. Xenforo is blocking my access to solve my problem. I love xenforo, but now I am a paying customer without sufficient access to help. This is not a hobby. My business is now dependent on this forum. Can you point me to better resource for xenforo support?

@Tracy Perry Ok, I already have an htaccess file. I do not want to over write it. It could bring down my forums if I do the wrong thing. I have 3500+ members on the forums and I want to fix this without being disruptive. The FAQ @Brogan pointed me to has 6 options. In my case, this is not a solution. I need someone to implement a solution without experimentation and without disruption to my users.

I need step-by-step instructions to solve my problem, or I need to hire someone to do it without disrupting my forums.

Is there any detailed help available?

@Tracy Perry Ok, I already have an htaccess file. I do not want to over write it. It could bring down my forums if I do the wrong thing. I have 3500+ members on the forums and I want to fix this without being disruptive. The FAQ @Brogan pointed me to has 6 options. In my case, this is not a solution. I need someone to implement a solution without experimentation and without disruption to my users.
Shoot me a convo with your current .htaccess in it and whether you want it to go to WWW or non-WWW and I'll see what I can do.
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