Location Explain

Location Explain 1.0.2

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Would you consider adding functionality to have the field value default to City, Country from GeoIP based on IP address?
@Sim Just a heads up, the modification hampelLocationExplainAccountDetails needs updating for 2.2.12

Possibly earlier, but I've only just noticed it not working.. 🙈
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@Sim Just a heads up, the modification hampelLocationExplainAccountDetails needs updating for 2.2.12

Possibly earlier, but I've only just noticed it not working.. 🙈

Actually broke in v2.2.8 :oops:

Thanks for alerting me - new version being released shortly!
Sim updated Location Explain with a new update entry:

v1.0.1 bugfix

The account_details template changed in v2.2.8 (as a result of this bugfix notification: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/location-field-is-not-marked-as-required.199852/) which in turn broke the template modification for this addon.

v1.0.1 updates the template modification to work with the new version of the template and sets the minimum required version of XF to 2.2.8

Read the rest of this update entry...
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