XF 1.1 Links Error Page when Convert vbulletin to xenforo.


Active member
I have several questions related to the transition from vbb to XenForo

I need your help

When I use vbulletin.

old Links Page:



New Links Page when I use xenforo.


They differ at "
- "

So. Links are dead when I share

CLick : http://domain.com/showthread.php?id../page2

Error will occur " The requested page could not be found. "

Now I have to do to when clicked Link


Will automatically switch to

I thinks:.htacces has error.

It's possible, but in reviewing my code and your example URLs I see no errors. Therefore I need to test it on your server. But since I can't get access to your server we will proceed with guesswork.

Some possible explanations for failed rewrites include:

1) The .htaccess file is not in place in your forum directory.

2) Sometimes you need to specify RewriteBase in your .htaccess file (specify the name of your forum directory):

RewriteBase /xenforo

3) Your server doesn't have mod_rewrite installed. Consult with your host about this.

4) Your server doesn't have AllowOverride enabled:


Consult with your host about this.
Why can not use the file. Htaccess?
I chose"Retain imported content IDs" when I Run vb4 importer

You have said "The ids are the same so you don't need the redirect scripts. "

You can use .htaccess instead of the php scripts if you want. Both are valid options.

When the ids are the same I usually recommend using .htaccess only. But in your case the source URLs use standard GET params (no rewrites) which makes using the php scripts a good and easy option regardless of the ids.
@Jake Bunce

Can You use teamviewer to help me??

Information to login teamviewer.

Id: 276 898 257
Pass: 9488

You take a look at the configuration of me

I use hosting DirectAdmin.

// $fileDir = '/home/username/www/forums';

Do I need to use it???

Table archived_import_log




/* ----------------------------------------------------------- *\
This variable defines where XenForo is installed.

If you have not installed XenForo into the same directory in which
vBulletin was installed, you will need to provide the full path to
the XenForo directory here. Remove the leading // and then enter
the path as in the following examples:

$fileDir = '/home/example/public_html/new_forums';

$fileDir = 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/xenforo';

\* ----------------------------------------------------------- */

// $fileDir = '/home/username/www/forums';

/* ----------------------------------------------------------- *\
This constant defines the table from which the import redirection
scripts will fetch their data. Normally they will use the table
'xf_import_log', but if you have archived your import data, you
should provide the name of the archive table here. Remove the
leading // and then replace 'import_log_x' with the name of your
archive table, as in the following examples:

define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'my_import_log');

define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'import_log_my_forums');

\* ----------------------------------------------------------- */

// define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'archived_import_log');
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