LinkDirectory XF1 vs XF2


Well-known member
Unfortunately the programer of the LD stops working, unfortunately the version for xf2 is in beta status (from my point of view), unfortunately it misses good functions from the xf1 version. (Why i need to watch the detailed page to see the thread for example. Really nobody wants to do this.)

The biggest problem for me is now that the pagespeedapi with v5 in ld xf2 works really bad compared to the v2 in ld xf1.

Some minutes ago i tried 30 urls and while the ld1 fetches all screenshots without any problem, the ld2 miss most of them.
I also tried to direct link to the pagespeed api and all links are running there, all of them give back the data fpr base 64.

I have watched the curl code in both versions, more or less it is the same.
I see less checks in the ld2 at this point, while the ld1 asks almost after every step if no error, go on!

Till now i cant find the problem, so i ask here, if someone has an idea how to improve the ld2 to fetch all screenshots like the ld1.
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