Implemented Link URL for a specific post


Well-known member
Maybe I missed noticing something but just now I wanted to put in a link to one of my own posts.

I went to look at it but couldn't see anything to click to get its URL.
Went long ways round via my name top right and "your Content"
- which should read "My Content" to make sense really.

Can we have a thingy on each post to Copy its URL please?

I found a workaround this time but that wouldn't cover it if I needed to link to someone else's post.
This is something that admins and mods often need to direct people to an explanation already made.
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Enigma thank you.

But this is practically invisible. I think the design is a bit too discreet here.
At least make the number on the right the same as Like and Reply.
I've clicked Like and Reply loads of times and never noticed that poor little grey ghost there.

As for the link being on the "6 mins ago" text I don't think that's intuitive at all. Why would I click on a time text?
Enigma thank you.

But this is practically invisible. I think the design is a bit too discreet here.
At least make the number on the right the same as Like and Reply.
I've clicked Like and Reply loads of times and never noticed that poor little grey ghost there.

As for the link being on the "6 mins ago" text I don't think that's intuitive at all. Why would I click on a time text?
I see where you're coming from, but here's the other side of the story: Liking and replying to a post are probably the two most common things you do after reading a post. Finding the permalink for a post is much lower on the list. Thus the permalinks are given less visual weight in the design.

The timestamp of the post being used for the permalink is a standard throughout XenForo. Pretty much anywhere you see a time/date, it's a permalink to the related content. This is also a standard on some other popular sites, such as Twitter.
I like the design. The permalinks are discrete which is great because I will rarely use it. I personally think clicking the number permalink (#6 for example) should use JavaScript to copy the link to clipboard!
that is a good idea but i also tend to click on them to put the focus on them so that i can tweet it using one of the chrome extensions i use :)
Old thread, but not sure if I want to start a new one...

I am looking for a functioanlity that displays ONLY single post (something like " # of displayed posts for thread page = 1; with no header; with no footer), but cant find anything like it. I would like to embed such url in an iframe in some other app/website. Or even just provide a link to page with one post... So exactly something that xenforo does for twitts or facebook posts...

Any advice?
There's no ability to link directly to a post and have that post be the only thing on the screen.

An add-on could achieve it if you post there.
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