Other Learning management system integration



I run Xenforo as the forum of my WP based website. I want to create links from the forum to courses which are either hosted by a wordpress based learning management system (either Learndash or LifterLMS) or my current cloud based LMS Curatr.
The only way to allow people access to forum and cloud based LMS would be a SAML 2.0 single sign up solution according to the LMS provider, but it still leaves the problem that no links exist in a smooth way.
The reason for combining the two would be to stimulate social learning through discussions of the course materials in the forum.

So at this point I am exploring the following options:
- Stick with current LMS and create single login and links to courses inside the forum (ideally also reverse link from courses to forums)
- WP based LMS (any of the 2 above) with integration to xenforo with single login

Has anyone done this kind of integration before, if so what does it entail (cost, time, etc)?
I'm moving from a home-brew classroom software to LifterLMS, and have used Xenforo integrated with that by my developer since I first bought your forum in 2015.

LifterLMS is already a done deal: in my case, I had huge specific needs for classrooms that were only offered by Lifter.

So my option is less flexible than what AnC01 was looking at.

I need to be able to save my entire multi-year history of student conversations in Xenforo while updating to a version that will run on current PHP, and that will integrate with with my MANY writing classes. And my forum has a number of add-ons, and might have a customization or two -- my developer is no longer with me, so I need to get back to a vanilla XenForo install with support for my XenForo plugins, and some method of hooking the two together.
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