Lazy Load [img]

Lazy Load [img] 1.3.1

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Just installed and enabled for members and guests. Seems to work great so far, no issues to report. Will see what the community thinks :)

From today's Google newsletter: ;)

Screenshot at Jan 11 14-56-43.webp
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@Xon - When I use this addon to serve attachments via CDN:

Using your Lazy Load addon at the same time causes attachments not to resize to fit the viewport. Is there any way to fix this? I love lazy load but need to serve attachments via CDN.
I'm seeing the same issue now with Cloudflare. @RoldanLT - are you lazy loading on your site, and have you had this issue?

As it turns out, I think my problem had nothing to do with CDN or Cloudflare. Trying to figure it out!
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@Xon I just realized that the template modification for page_container_js_head doesn't use {$javaScriptSource} for the JS path. I was randomly checking my site's source code and it was like the only internal JS file that wasn't loaded from CDN. Mind having that changed in the next update?
I think @AndyB figured why some of my images are not resizing to fit the browser window when this Lazy Load addon is enabled. It's not related to AndyB's addons per se.

The ones which aren't resizing are linked like this:


rather than the usual unlinked attachment like this:


@RoldanLT - If you add a link to an attachment, can you confirm that it won't resize to viewport with Lazy Load enabled?
Hi, is it correct that I don't have fields for setting the threshold value and the lazyload spinner in the admin with the latest version installed (1.2.2)
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