Keyword Management (Keyword Replace) [Deleted]

@au lait Is it possible to add an option to export and import CSV files instead of XML? I'm having the toughest time trying to edit XML files, and would be much easier to copy/manipulate data in a CSV spreadsheet ;) I've found some XML->CSV conversion tools but getting it back to the correct XML syntax eludes me.

Thanks for your consideration!
How do I remove the icon/arrow next to the URL:s? I simply want them to only be underlined like any other of the URL:s in the forum.

Thanks for a great add-on BTW @au lait
This is not working for me for greek words. I added a word, and it shows up fine (with the assigned url) in the kwm list, but it's not working inside the forum posts.

English words work fine, so does this mean the addon does not work at all for greek words ? :(
@au lait Is it possible to add an option to export and import CSV files instead of XML? I'm having the toughest time trying to edit XML files, and would be much easier to copy/manipulate data in a CSV spreadsheet ;) I've found some XML->CSV conversion tools but getting it back to the correct XML syntax eludes me.

Thanks for your consideration!
This is not possible! Since there are too many complex data! This is better in an XML!

How do I remove the icon/arrow next to the URL:s? I simply want them to only be underlined like any other of the URL:s in the forum.

Thanks for a great add-on BTW @au lait
use CSS and override XXX ".KWMLlink"

This is not working for me for greek words. I added a word, and it shows up fine (with the assigned url) in the kwm list, but it's not working inside the forum posts.

English words work fine, so does this mean the addon does not work at all for greek words ? :(
Fixed! I send u a new Version to test it
Do you ever find that you want to turn KWM off for specific posts?

I do and I found a hack to make it happen.

I just insert the following after "$oldmsg = $message['messageHtml']; on line 94 of /forum/library/phc/KeywordManagement/Helper/KWMHelper.php
                if(isset($message['post_id'])) {
                    $hack_post_id = $message['post_id'];
                    if ($hack_post_id == 85298 ||  // 1
                        $hack_post_id == 85529 || // 2
                        $hack_post_id == 85636 || // 3
                        $hack_post_id == 85726 || // 4
                        $hack_post_id == 85861 || // 5
                        $hack_post_id == 86090 || // 6
                        $hack_post_id == 86203 || // 7
                        $hack_post_id == 86295 || // 8
                        $hack_post_id == 86397 || // 9
                        $hack_post_id == 86489 || // 10
                        $hack_post_id == 86599 || // 11
                        $hack_post_id == 86724 || // 12
                        $hack_post_id == 86841 || // 13
                        $hack_post_id == 86969 || // 14
                        $hack_post_id == 87073 || // 15
                        $hack_post_id == 87123 || // 16
                        $hack_post_id == 87286 || // 17
                        $hack_post_id == 87425 || // 18
                        $hack_post_id == 87522 || // 19
                        $hack_post_id == 87631 || // 20
                        $hack_post_id == 87725) // 21
You'll have to edit the code to update the post_ids to the ones where you want to turn KWM off.

Obviously, this hack requires a certain level PHP expertise. I can't provide support and it is provided as is. I am running it in production, though.

Programmers can perhaps use this approach to develop their own hacks. This was pleasantly easy to write.
I can't import my xml file into this - I'm getting an error:

Server Error

Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'word_type' at row 1
  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1638
  5. XenForo_DataWriter->_insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1627
  6. XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1419
  7. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in phc/KeywordManagement/Model/KWModel.php at line 355
  8. phc_KeywordManagement_Model_KWModel->insertKWMXML() in phc/KeywordManagement/ControllerAdmin/KWM.php at line 277
  9. phc_KeywordManagement_ControllerAdmin_KWM->actionImport() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  10. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  11. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /***********/community/admin.php at line 13
Do you ever find that you want to turn KWM off for specific posts?

I do and I found a hack to make it happen.

I just insert the following after "$oldmsg = $message['messageHtml']; on line 94 of /forum/library/phc/KeywordManagement/Helper/KWMHelper.php

You'll have to edit the code to update the post_ids to the ones where you want to turn KWM off.

Obviously, this hack requires a certain level PHP expertise. I can't provide support and it is provided as is. I am running it in production, though.

Programmers can perhaps use this approach to develop their own hacks. This was pleasantly easy to write.

I'm going to add an option with which PostIds can be ignore!
Is it possible to remove the arrow that appears next to URL:s? I'd like for the replaced keywoards to appear like any other URL:s :)

Great add-on! Thanks.
Is it possible to remove the arrow that appears next to URL:s? I'd like for the replaced keywoards to appear like any other URL:s :)

Great add-on! Thanks.
I just commented out the code in the kwm.css template. I've been using the following in production for at least a year:
/* Commented out to remove arrows.
.KWMLlink {
background-position: center right!important;
background-repeat: no-repeat!important;
background-image: url(styles/phc/keywordmanagement/link.png)!important;
padding-right: 16px!important;
margin-right: 5px!important;
We have installed this add on and set the permissions to allow for my user group however it is not showing up in the Applications tab. Anything special I need to do on this?
We have installed this add on and set the permissions to allow for my user group however it is not showing up in the Applications tab. Anything special I need to do on this?
Just an update on this, we have uninstalled and re-installed this, made sure the permissions are set correctly and it is still not showing up for administrator or site owner. It is enabled and we are allowed to set permissions for it.

As best as I can tell, we should be seeing it on the left sidebar of the Applications tab.. we do not.

I was really excited about using this for our affiliate linking:(

Thanks for any help you can provide.
u must edit Admin Permissions

Select the Admin XY and set "Manage Keyword Management" active

look at the attachments


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I am trying to create a link to find the phrase, Jeff's Book but it's not working. All of my other links are working fine so I'm thinking it has something to do with that apostrophe. Does it need to be escaped somehow or is there a special way to get it to search for phrases that may be punctuated?
Another question.. this seems like it should be simple but if i want the links to show for everyone except a certain group how is this done. As far as I can tell, the user groups are cumulative in Xenforo. If a person is Registered but also a Premier Member and I have registered checked but Premier member unchecked.. how do I make sure that premier members do not see the links even though they still show up in the "Registered" usergroup?
I am trying to create a link to find the phrase, Jeff's Book but it's not working. All of my other links are working fine so I'm thinking it has something to do with that apostrophe. Does it need to be escaped somehow or is there a special way to get it to search for phrases that may be punctuated?
Fixed :)
Patch I send you :)

Another question.. this seems like it should be simple but if i want the links to show for everyone except a certain group how is this done. As far as I can tell, the user groups are cumulative in Xenforo. If a person is Registered but also a Premier Member and I have registered checked but Premier member unchecked.. how do I make sure that premier members do not see the links even though they still show up in the "Registered" usergroup?
This is a problem! For this purpose it also requires a negative selection! I also add :)
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