Keyword Alert [Deleted]

I also noticed that the "In Title" box doesn't seem to do anything. I assume that's to determine whether or not thread titles are checked as well as posts?

In title box unchecked – Posted keyword in message body – Received Alert
In title box checked – Posted keyword in message body – Received Alert
In title box unchecked – Posted keyword in thread title – Received Alert
In title box checked – Posted keyword in thread title – Received Alert
@fahad ashraf we are still waiting on the bugs (quoted below) to be fixed, as promised.

Also, found a small bug in the xb_keyword_edit template, causing the page titles and delete button to display incorrectly. Looks like it's because keyword -> send_alert is 1, making it think we're editing an existing keyword.

<xf:if is="!$keyword">
    <xf:title>{{ phrase('xb_add_keyword') }}</xf:title>
<xf:else />
    <xf:title>{{ phrase('xb_edit_keyword:') }} [{$}]</xf:title>

<xf:pageaction if="$keyword">
    <xf:button href="{{ link('account/keywords/delete') }}?keyword_id={$keyword.keyword_id}" icon="delete" overlay="true" />

I changed $keyword to $keyword.keyword_id and it's working properly now.

<xf:if is="!$keyword.keyword_id">
    <xf:title>{{ phrase('xb_add_keyword') }}</xf:title>
<xf:else />
    <xf:title>{{ phrase('xb_edit_keyword:') }} [{$}]</xf:title>
<xf:pageaction if="$keyword.keyword_id">
    <xf:button href="{{ link('account/keywords/delete') }}?keyword_id={$keyword.keyword_id}" icon="delete" overlay="true" />
I also noticed that the "In Title" box doesn't seem to do anything. I assume that's to determine whether or not thread titles are checked as well as posts?

In title box unchecked – Posted keyword in message body – Received Alert
In title box checked – Posted keyword in message body – Received Alert
In title box unchecked – Posted keyword in thread title – Received Alert
In title box checked – Posted keyword in thread title – Received Alert
it needs to be test in xf2.2 as i am very busy in custom development i will check it if it is not then i will make it :)
Still hasn't fixed certain bugs mentioned above...literally years later. Also, found another bug that allows users to get notifications for keywords that are used in forums that they do not have permission to access.
I have a client running this addon and have had some odd issues that made us look into some of the code.

Could the following issues be resolved:

  • Accessing PHP superglobals (like $_GET without filtering)
  • No prepared statements in XenBulletins\KeyWordAlert\Repository\Queue::getQueus
  • Missing indexes on table columns that used in JOIN clauses (high performance impact)

That was found doing a quick look, there may be some more to do once you get into the code deeper.
Last edited:
I have a client running this addon and have had some odd issues that made us look into some of the code.

Could the following issues be resolved:

  • Accessing PHP superglobals (like $_GET without filtering)
  • No prepared statements in XenBulletins\KeyWordAlert\Repository\Queue::getQueus
  • Missing indexes on table columns that used in JOIN clauses (high performance impact)

That was found doing a quick look, there may be some more to do once you get into the code deeper.

Is this something your going to fix, or should I correct the code for my client?
@fahad ashraf Can you respond to the claims made by @Ozzy47 and if they are valid, can you advise when any code which is non compliant with the standards will be rectified.

Please respond within the next few days or we may be forced to take action.
I have a client running this addon and have had some odd issues that made us look into some of the code.

Could the following issues be resolved:

  • Accessing PHP superglobals (like $_GET without filtering)
  • No prepared statements in XenBulletins\KeyWordAlert\Repository\Queue::getQueus
  • Missing indexes on table columns that used in JOIN clauses (high performance impact)

That was found doing a quick look, there may be some more to do once you get into the code deeper.

Is this going to be updated to XF coding standards?
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