******* - Key Code [Paid] [Deleted]

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I will pay 35$ for this Addon and Paypal say i must have a Creditcard for paying this. (its an Abo)

on my Paypal Accuont i have 75€ and i can't pay for abonnement without creditcard, i will not an Abo. I will only Pay for this Addon more not.

mgf Rene
I will pay 35$ for this Addon and Paypal say i must have a Creditcard for paying this. (its an Abo)

on my Paypal Accuont i have 75€ and i can't pay for abonnement without creditcard, i will not an Abo. I will only Pay for this Addon more not.

mgf Rene


We apologize for any inconvenience caused. You can send direct money to our paypal id: paypal@*******.com. After we received your payment, we will active subscription for you.

Hi i have a little Problem when users buy an code she becomes this error

Server Error
Undefined variable: currency

  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in *******/KeyCode/ControllerPublic/KeyCode.php at line 192
  2. *******_KeyCode_ControllerPublic_KeyCode->actionGetCode() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /www.garnelenforum.net/board/index.php at line 13

The Currency is an fiktive currency alias "garneleneier"

mfg Rene
******* updated ******* - Key Code with a new update entry:

12/08/2014: Version 1.1.1

- Fixed error with ******* - Credits (Lite).
- Minor bug fixes.

Read the rest of this update entry...
******* updated ******* - Key Code with a new update entry:

18/09/2014: Version 1.1.2

- Minor bug fixes.
- Update addon's library to fit with new privacy policies at http://*******.com/privacy-policy/

Read the rest of this update entry...
Just to help people out. If you have the confirm button showing as "BRC_Confirm" simply edit the phrase "BRC_comfirm" and change the m to a n so it would be "BRC_confirm".
For those using Font Awesome, the ID is ".navTab.BRKC_keyCode"
Just heads up for some people wondering.
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