[JoyFreak] Set Open Graph Image

[JoyFreak] Set Open Graph Image

questions on the mod -
1) if there isn't an image in the thread, what gets posted on Facebook? Does it grab the Metadata logo URL image?

2) As I understand it, regardless of the length, date, number of pictures in the thread, it always grabs the first one?

3) What happens if it comes from a private forum area?


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questions on the mod -
1) if there isn't an image in the thread, what gets posted on Facebook? Does it grab the Metadata logo URL image?

2) As I understand it, regardless of the length, date, number of pictures in the thread, it always grabs the first one?

3) What happens if it comes from a private forum area?



1. Yes, the metadata logo is grabbed instead.
2. Yes, the first one, from the first post.
3. It will grab the metadata logo for private forums.

Three days ago, I was able to make this work. Today, not so much. The only thing I can think has changed is Xenforo pushed a new update and I updated to it.

It is making the post however it is acting as if it is a locked forum and does not grab the logo. If I click on the FB link, it does take me back to the correct page and the image is there.

I've tried sharing from two different nodes, both are public, both act the same way: Setup a link but no pictures, no logo

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?

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I don't think any update would affect it unless the changes you made have been reverted. Go through the steps again and ensure it's all correct. There isn't much I can offer here, the guide itself is idiot-proof and should work. I haven't had any problems with it. I would recommend clearing your cache, refresh your page/browser and try again. Also, you can check things out and see how they should appear by using the sharing debugger tool. Use this one: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

Let me know how that goes.
@JoyFreak does this work with twitter?
Not able to see the first image.

Validator gives these logs.

INFO: Page fetched successfully
INFO: 15 metatags were found
INFO: twitter:card = summary tag found
INFO: Card loaded successfully
Are your attachments viewable by guests? You need to make them viewable to guests for it to fetch the image for open graph.
Is there any way to modify this so that it actually pulls the image from the post you are sharing and not the first in the thread?
Reason I ask is that I have several threads of astrophotography captures, and typically the first image will be an original capture, and as time goes on and they gather more data for that capture, the images improve from stacking additional frames to them.
So frequently I'd prefer to share the better image out to my FB page.
Thanks JoyFreak the code works well.
Also I let you know that your site (I try to register me there) doesn't send the activation email (to sign in) give it a look. ;)
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