Jogging and running

I run at least 2 miles a day most of the time, sometimes I skip the runs and just take the dog for an extreamly long walk, but rather do the running. I don't usually use weights but I do look for the biggest hill I can find to run up. :-)
On a normal week I only run once a week and it is about 10 miles. Much easier to maintain than the make gains, I am too old for much gain.

I also walk 6 or more miles 5 days a week.

Once in awhile I get a wild hair and do something extreme to see if I still can.

Back when I was a young pup I ran cross country but that was to help me increase my cardio for the wrestling season. I also used to be an endurance backpacker.
On a normal week I only run once a week and it is about 10 miles. Much easier to maintain than the make gains, I am too old for much gain.

I also walk 6 or more miles 5 days a week.

Once in awhile I get a wild hair and do something extreme to see if I still can.

Back when I was a young pup I ran cross country but that was to help me increase my cardio for the wrestling season. I also used to be an endurance backpacker.

HaHa I also did cross country back when I was in school..... ooooh it seems so long ago now :-X
I run 4 or 5 times a week, a couple easy 5 milers, a 3x2 mile at 10K pace with 2 miles warm up/cool down (8 miles total), sometimes 200m or 400m intervals and a 14 mile long run. Since May 2008, I've ran 3500 miles, I don't have stats from before then. I started running in 2006 and I go to as many local races as I can. Addicted to it, I am.
Is anybody here into jogging and running? Please share your experience with us. Any advice is welcomed.
Used to be right into it... but not so much nowadays. Still keep fit, just not via running. I do plan to get back into again in our next place, as it comes with a full private gym in the building as part of our body corporate... so I will be getting back into running, but on the machines... not so harsh on the knee's then, being pretty much why I stopped on road, as years in the military are not so kind to the knee's. Now I only run on running machines. I want to get back to around 30 - 40km a week once moved. I found running is just the best for overall fitness and physique.
I usually run in a state park around here, going on the bike trails and some of them are quite steep/rough but it's really fun. I've started to do 5k runs and will probably work higher as time goes on.
Never saw the point in running/jogging myself. They say it is healthy but I heard the guy that invented jogging died of a heart attack, go and figure :D
Yeah, calling a group of trees "the woods" in the Netherlands, .. is like eh, like .. erhm.. yeah i got nothing.

Anyway, I was going to the grocery store, on my bike, but. . I will walk now. Thanks for making me feel guilty -this thread-. :D
Yeah, calling a group of trees "the woods" in the Netherlands, .. is like eh, like .. erhm.. yeah i got nothing.

Anyway, I was going to the grocery store, on my bike, but. . I will walk now. Thanks for making me feel guilty -this thread-. :D

:) That's what were here for.
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