Jaxel's Sub Forum Grid Listings...

Jaxel's Sub Forum Grid Listings...

Is anyone using this? I can't seem to make it work but I am sure it's because I have no clue what to edit where.
Sub forums can be displayed below the parent forum from 1.2 onwards without this edit.
Ok, that works on the default theme but not in others. Also, I have large spaces between them, can that be edited?
@Joe Link & @Straydog, from the resource description:

You'll notice that subforum entries have a fixed width of 200px. This really determines how many entries you are going to get per row and you can change this as you see fit.

So in the CSS provided:

.subForumsGrid .node { width: 200px; float: left; }​

... simply change the value of 200px to something smaller to your liking.
Any element's style should be customisable within your EXTRA.css, so it's just a matter of finding the right element style to override.

After a quick inspection it appears the width of the sub-forum nodes is set in node_list.css as:

.node .subForumList li
              float: left;
              width: 31%;
              margin: 2px 0 2px 2%;

So try overriding the width?
Any element's style should be customisable within your EXTRA.css, so it's just a matter of finding the right element style to override.

After a quick inspection it appears the width of the sub-forum nodes is set in node_list.css as:

.node .subForumList li
              float: left;
              width: 31%;
              margin: 2px 0 2px 2%;

So try overriding the width?

Seems to work. Thank you. Still not sure if I like the way it shows but better for sure. Now for some bullets... ;)
Has anyone styled the default Xenforo subforum features using EXTRA.css to add a little pizzazz?? I used the following code in my EXTRA.css file to change it from 3 columns to 4, and while I'd love to do some advanced styling, I'm kind of a newb when it comes to this.

Here's what I'm using for 4 columns on UI.X, if anyone's interested:

.node .subForumList li {
width: 20% !important;

I'd still like to add a subforum icon similar to the one Shelly offers here, but I need icons that can change to match the theme colors..
I couldn't get this to work at all. Wondering if anyone is using this in 1.5? REALLLY need this to work. Thanks

This has worked great for me but it is proving elusive in XF v2. Any help would be greatly appreciated
You have been able to display sub-forums in a list such as this guide provided since XenForo 1.2.

You'd just need to switch it on in style properties. Searching "nodeListSubDisplay" in the Admin CP search will take you straight to it.
You have been able to display sub-forums in a list such as this guide provided since XenForo 1.2.

You'd just need to switch it on in style properties. Searching "nodeListSubDisplay" in the Admin CP search will take you straight to it.

Well that is exactly why this version was written up.

"Almost 2 years ago, I wrote a guide on how to add sub forum grids to your forum listings. The template modification has been insanely popular on XF forums in that other people have made their own addons based on it... (some of them for $$, which pisses me off since I made this available for free). Now in XF1.2, Kier has recently put his own implementation into the stock.

Unfortunately, I don't like Kier's version. I prefer my version, and I imagine many forum admins feel the same since my version shows nested sub forums as well. However, my version has up until now did not follow responsive design. So this new guide is for how to make a responsive sub forum grid."

Not sure if ibaker knew it is stock in XF or if he wanted a different implementation.
Yes I know the stock XF v2 one which is not good especially on mobile devices. You can see the vast difference and how much better this one is compared to, sorry to say, the lame attempt to do it in XF v2 in the screen shot attached. This way is far greater, neater, more professional looking and still looks great on a mobile device than the XF v2 one.

This looks MUCH better using this one:

Compared to the default one in XF v2:

In fact I would much prefer to be able to have the same layout with the Discussions and Messages under the Forum Heading in XF v2 as it was done in XF v1.x. I really don't think enough thought was put into the layout of v2...the above images are from a standard 1024x768
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This is also the difference viewing my site on a Samsung Galaxy S7. You can see that in XF v2 Users don't even know there are sub forums at all which is pretty darn bad user experience with XF v2:

BUT using XF v1.x and the code in this mod Users can see all the different sub forums that exist:

I am really sorry but I am just so darn BLOODY frustrated with the mutilation that has been done in XF v2. It so very much reminds me of when I had the option of going from vBulletin v4 to v5 or go to XF...I went to XF because I could do things with it so easily
I am really sorry but I am just so darn BLOODY frustrated with the mutilation that has been done in XF v2. It so very much reminds me of when I had the option of going from vBulletin v4 to v5 or go to XF...I went to XF because I could do things with it so easily
That should help get an answer faster (y)
I wasn't likely to get an answer because it is customisation however, I am upfront and honest and if honest feedback is ignored then what does that say. I have been with XF from before it was even released and have given plenty of great feedback but when something isn't great, I say so.
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