Add-on Is there any add-on that puts threads into a subforum automatically if a user select a specific prefix?


Active member
Hi Guys!

Is there any add-on that puts threads into a subforum (that I choose) based on what prefix an user select?

So for example:
The main forum is "Gaming" and users have to choose between prefixes: Xbox, PC, PS5. If he choose Xbox after the thread is posted it will be moved into Gaming/Xbox subforum.

Thanks for the help.
Prefix Actions can move.
Yeah, but as far as I know it only moves them if I - as the administrator - change the prefix. If an user use it and post the thread - or even if I creat a thread using a prefix it wont move it.
Only if I select it and a do an action: change prefix ... in that case it will move to the selected folder.
Well there's no need to move it if they post in that forum to begin with. Why would you purposely post in a forum to have it moved to another?
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My issue is the following:
will start my forum as a total new one, so at the begining im100% sure there wont be a lot of topics etc... but I dont want my forum to look like a dead forum, so I will use Aggregating forums add-on, which basically show every subforum category even in the main forum as well.

This is a good solution because even if I put every topic in a subforum it will appeare in the forum. The issue is that with this is most users would be confused where to post a new thread if I only allow to post in subforums (and they might not find the option, or they wont click on a subforum and see the "post here" line.

I want to get this option to put in subforum because that why the forum structure will be pretty easy to see throught because of the subforums, but at the same time it will be easy for users to post new threads and it wont make a mess, because the prefix would move the threads to correct subforum.
You are seriously overcomplicating the basic forum process. Since your site is brand new you can start with parent forums and prefixes for your categorization. If you want sub-forums or more forums later it is easy to move them with the batch update using those prefixes.
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In the simplest terms possible, if you haven't even launched yet, and you are creating a structure where you know people will post in the wrong forum—you are doing it wrong.
This is a good solution because even if I put every topic in a subforum it will appeare in the forum.
It doesn’t sound like a good solution to me because:
The issue is that with this is most users would be confused where to post a new thread
I would just have one main forum, use prefixes and then when a certain prefix is used for x number of threads (5 or 10 maybe) then create that subforum and move them. You can then ditch that prefix
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