Is there a post from Kier...

Brits don't have humor.
We do though have humour.

LOL man !!! (american english)

World English Dictionary

humour or humor (ˈhjuːmə)

1. the quality of being funny
2. Also called: sense of humour the ability to appreciate or express that which is humorous
3. situations, speech, or writings that are thought to be humorous
4. a. a state of mind; temper; mood
b. ( in combination ): ill humour ; good humour
5. temperament or disposition
LOL man !!!
humour or humor (ˈhjuːmə)

Like I said, we simply removed unnecessary letters.
All we did was remove unnecessary letters in our spelling - i.e. humour, neighbour, etc.
On the contrary, let me provide an example, in addressing a group of people:
  1. What would you like to do?
  2. What would you all like to do?
  3. What would y'all like to do?
I put it to you that in this case necessary letters have been removed and redundant ones have been added, resulting in a net gain in character count and punctuation.

So there :p
On the contrary, let me provide an example, in addressing a group of people:
  1. What would you like to do?
  2. What would you all like to do?
  3. What would y'all like to do?
I put it to you that in this case necessary letters have been removed and redundant ones have been added, resulting in a net gain in character count and punctuation.

So there :p
Lol actually Kier 'round these parts people would probably say something that would be spelled something like:

Whatcha wanna do , or whaddayahgunnado said as one word

To tell you the truth I think everyone has their own version of english.
Many of us here in the States have major problems with spelling already, if we had to use your versions we would be in real trouble indeed.

Is that an oblique way of saying you are not as well educated as your founding fathers? (I'll add a wink in there so the Yanks know I'm kidding - we know how sensitive they can be ... what what!!!) :D
Hey Kier, don't pick on Americans for being Rednecks, just look at the hooligans in London to see how you Brits are responding to class warfare, hell you are worse than American Rednecks when you all get angry over there.
Technically speaking yank usually refers to one in the area of the US I am from (New England) rednecks are generally from rural south but there is a northern-redneck term as well. For the most part as funny as it sounds the only people that don't get offended by the word redneck are rednecks as they embrace the term. Personally I don't care but must engage in this conversation anyways, must be the yankee in me :-)
Every tribe has its crosses to bear; ours, at the moments it seems, is the very small minority of thugs who turn up at any protest and inflame it.

I see to remember though, that whilst our thuggish students damaged a building or two, the Los Angeles riots destroyed whole swathes of buildings and no end of vehicles and shops too.

That old adage of the Americans doing everything bigger and better seems to be true, eh?
Kier, the gap between the very rich and the average working class person is widening with time, all due to the oil pricing factor set up by the very rich who control the oil business, this is the very reason why kids are rioting in London and why the world economy is failing for the average person, while the rich get filthy rich. record breaking profit&aq=2v&aqi=g2g-v6&aql=&oq=Exxon record &gs_rfai=

So if you would have purchased Exxon stock in 2000 when Bush was appointed President, you could have stayed ahead of the corruption curve financially.

Profiteering off of the doubling of crude oil prices in the space of just two years—topping $78 a barrel in the summer of 2006—the big three recorded combined windfall profits of over $72 billion.

ExxonMobil, the world’s largest publicly traded company, raked in $39.5 billon last year—the largest annual profit recorded in US corporate history. The oil giant generated a staggering average of $108 million in profits a day, or $4.5 million an hour. The total topped the previous record for corporate profit, also set by Exxon Mobil in 2005, of $36.13 billion.

Exxon’s total annual profits amounted to more than the federal government spends on public K-12 education per year and were roughly equivalent to the amount that Congress appropriated to provide health care for some 6 million low-income children over a span of 10 years.

Total revenues for the biggest oil company topped $377 billion last year, an amount greater than the gross national product of countries that include Belgium, Sweden, Turkey and Austria.
On the contrary, let me provide an example, in addressing a group of people:
  1. What would you like to do?
  2. What would you all like to do?
  3. What would y'all like to do?
I put it to you that in this case necessary letters have been removed and redundant ones have been added, resulting in a net gain in character count and punctuation.

So there :p
ROFL! Only some of us talk/spell like that. But you can't discount that removing a u from humour and glamour and other words was a stroke of genius.
WHY use a letter that is silent anyway?
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