Is there a CMS planned?

I've changed my view on this. I'd like to see Kier and co develop a offical bridge between wordpress and xenforo.

If possible I'd like this to be the next thing they do once xf goes gold, the benefit they'd get from it would be worth them doing it as a priority as then everyone thats currently using IPB or VB with the cms can change over.
Actually, if you haven't already looked at it recently, I'd suggest giving XenPorta a really good look. 2 days ago I asked Jaxel about whether we could "Promote" threads to the RecentNews module and he implemented it in just a few hours. Now, you can effectively use any Thread in your XF forums AS an article. The difference is that all the content and the comments are IN the forums, which is a good place for the search engine to go. You get to set the excerpt length, and the output generates a very fast page that gives you a nice, configurable blog style layout. The blocks system makes it easy for even a non-programmer to grab some javascript and create a new block to add functionality you need.

I'm sloooowly convincing Susan that she actually may not need WordPress as the home page after all. I think we'll probably still run Joomla! in the backend, just so we can use it to build things like the paid services directory, tricky database driven systems that XF can't easily handle yet (Fabrik is great for stuff like that) etc. If we can figure out a way to build a Category block for promoted threads, and a way to have individual pages to show links to all promoted threads in a given category (Forum Name), we'd have almost everything we need so that we don't NEED a CMS. :)

Not *totally* sure this is the way we're going to go, but it's got a LOT of advantages.
The new XenPorta system has BOTH designated news forums, AND thread promotion. You can use either, or both at the same time. Any post made to a designated news forum will automatically be placed on the front page; and any thread promoted will automatically be placed into the front page.
The new XenPorta system has BOTH designated news forums, AND thread promotion. You can use either, or both at the same time. Any post made to a designated news forum will automatically be placed on the front page; and any thread promoted will automatically be placed into the front page.
This was the best addition to Xenporta in my opinion. Works great on my site. I do not use alot of the other modules currently, but the ability to promote a thread was a huge improvement IMHO
This was the best addition to Xenporta in my opinion. Works great on my site. I do not use alot of the other modules currently, but the ability to promote a thread was a huge improvement IMHO

It's the best addition to Xenporta :P I have asked Floris from xenfans to Provide his Popular Content Product as Module system for xenporta that will complete the need of cms system for me .
It's the best addition to Xenporta :p I have asked Floris from xenfans to Provide his Popular Content Product as Module system for xenporta that will complete the need of cms system for me .
What is Popular Content Product?
I really like the portal and blog addons out right now, but I wish there was one that would support HTML and allow you to display the full article, instead of just a preview.
I really like the portal and blog addons out right now, but I wish there was one that would support HTML and allow you to display the full article, instead of just a preview.

Ampd: Could you start a New Post somewhere and do two things :

(1) Detail why you want HTML support and in what situations ? (Blog and Home Page)
(2) List the results of your research about HTML support for the various options (XenPorta, Wordpress, etc.).

I think others could benefit from your research and others could help you in your research.
It might also be a "Home Base" to keep all the answers straight ! :)
This was the best addition to Xenporta in my opinion. Works great on my site. I do not use alot of the other modules currently, but the ability to promote a thread was a huge improvement IMHO

I didn't know that was in here yet. Now I am getting excited. I will have to look more into what this can do now.
reading through this, I just feel glad xenforo is the promise (and delivery) of exactly what I need, a forum platform....

I'd much prefer an intergrated XenForo articles systen or kind of CMS vs a 3rd party addon, or bridge.
Many would.
I love xenforo.
Of course I would like a xF CMS ... today.
I would buy it today.

But with no timelines.
It could be a year years before that happens.
vB had planned a CMS for about 5 years it seems and they released a crappy CMS no one likes.

As well, there is no guarantee you will like the CMS that xF delivers.
So are people using XenPorta as their full CMS for their site? If so, please send examples. This might be the solution I'm looking for.
I'd much prefer an intergrated XenForo articles systen or kind of CMS vs a 3rd party addon, or bridge.

The sooner you have image asset handling and tagging, the sooner you've got a customer for life.
It could be months or years away before your requirements are met by xenforo ltd.
You might want solutions before then.
Does XenForo really NEED a CMS? There are tons of solutions already.
My XenPorta + XenCarta solutions are pretty much everything most forums will ever need.

Many people won't use third party addons because they have been burned in the past by people not supporting them.
It's the same old catch 22.
I think with some creativity a community could solve some of these age old problems, but I don't see many ideas floating around.
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