Invitation / Referral System [Deleted]

Nice simple and usefull (y)

Would be great if this could be setup to autofollow between the inviter and the invited ;) This way it might help to encourage members inviting their friends :sneaky:
It would be great to have also the option just to copy a personal referal link to get new members to the board.
Hey, I have this addon on ... and it doesn't seem to be working properly. Under "invited users," it doesn't show the test account which I invited (using a referral link). Also, the referred users don't show up on a user's profile page. Is there a way to fix that?
I'm mostly trying to figure out how to get the number of referred users to show up on the person's profile page.
Have a few requests and ideas for this.

1. It needs some way to show "users that were referred" versus users that just came and signed up.
2. Is there an Admin portion that shows User B was referred by User A, so we can see which users are referring the most (and who they referred)?
3. If the user that signs up via referral could be placed into a "Referred User Group" automatically, it'd be nice to have "Premium Users" that get 5 invites, and each one they refer gets 1 of their own. Follow?

Just some thoughts!

Two questions:
1. Is this still being updated/supported? (get the sense that it's been abandoned)
2. Does anyone know if it's compatible with 1.2 beta?

Two questions:
1. Is this still being updated/supported? (get the sense that it's been abandoned)
2. Does anyone know if it's compatible with 1.2 beta?


It was never supported, just posted here for the community. I personally haven't tested it with xF 1.2.
It was never supported, just posted here for the community. I personally haven't tested it with xF 1.2.

Thanks, Sheldon. Do you happen to know of another similar addon that's still being actively developed. I know about Friend Inviter, but from what I can tell it doesn't have any option to invite by email (except for yahoo) and you can't simply copy an invite code to pm someone. Are these the only two options for Xenforo? Thanks
Just downloaded and got this set up. Seems great so far! But a stupid question... On the page where you can email someone to invite, and it tells you "username for the email" does the person inviting use THEIR username? Like I would type "MistyMeanor" in there?

The referral part, that is just a link you can put out anywhere right? Trying to figure out the difference between invites and referrals, because I am going to run a contest on my forum for the most registrees from invites or referrals and then the most posts accumulated by those invites as a criteria to win.
So then I wonder if the person uses their "real" name?? Like I have a mod named Angie but handle is "dudette1964" which most people I am sure will have no clue who the email is from then. I was looking at the screen shots trying to figure it out.
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