XF 2.1 Invisible Users not adding into Unseen


Noticed that any user that opts to hide their online status does not get added into $online.counts.unseen, so the "...and X more" phrase is never used.

Made sure to test this with the "widget_members_online" template as default.

<xf:if is="$online.counts.unseen">
    <a href="{{ link('online') }}">{{ phrase('ellipsis_and_x_more', {'count': $online.counts.unseen}) }}</a>
    <xf:else />
{{ phrase('no_members_online_now') }}
"Unseen" doesn't mean invisible; it means there are more users active than we can potentially list. You can see it here (at times):


Invisible users count as being online for the purposes of the total, but they won't be displayed unless you have the necessary permission.
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