Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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It will. This case won't stand a chance in UK courts as it's plain absurd.
I admire your faith, but I would not be so quick to dismiss it - Im quite sure IB has some very good lawyers and you would be surprised at what good lawyers can "prove". Mike etc, however, are unlikely to have as strong a legal team.
Thanks for the info.
I was right, they are making a task force :D

Do you know if they will do it in the next hours (i suppose they also sleep since they're humans) or tomorrow?
I'm toooo curios and i want to know ;)

Task Force? Get with the times! They are launching Dumbledore's Xenforo's Army :D
I admire your faith, but I would not be so quick to dismiss it - Im quite sure IB has some very good lawyers and you would be surprised at what good lawyers can "prove". Mike etc, however, are unlikely to have as strong a legal team.
Don't forget it's a cross border lawsuit. XenForo has an advantage on its home turf. Copyright and Commercial laws might have slight differences internationally.

Got anything relevant to add, like precedent or law that makes you think UK companies can be tried in the US or UK employees can be extradited to the US?

Because you know there has to be laws for that to happen... People don't get extradited just because a law saying you can't extradite someone doesn't exist :).

If you need me to clarify why there has to be a law to force someone to go to another country to defend themselves against that countries laws then I shall =)
A great find someone found!

S challenged the existing view of the English courts to the effect that it is not an infringement of copyright in the source code of a computer program for a competitor to write its own program emulating its functionality.

on the true interpretation of Article 1(2) of the Software Directive, copyright in computer programs does not protect interfaces from being copied where this can be achieved without decompiling the object code

On the assumption that Pumfrey J's interpretation of Article 1(2) of the Software Directive was correct, WPL has not infringed SAS Institute's copyrights in the SAS Components by producing WPS (see paragraphs 245-250 above).

I haven't had time to fully read and digest the entire thing, but a quick skim over would apear to be in Xf's favor as long as they have not copied something directly from IB.
This is the final vBulletin tombstone for me.

The bright side is that I'm sure that this is going to backfire big time.
Possibly me? ;) I posted that earlier on vB's forums and now here :) (

I don't want to offer my own commentary on it, I think it's best if others digest and come to their own conclusion :)

Indeed it was, thanks, I had it tabbed open and only just got through skim reading it by which time I had lost your post so didn't know where it came from!

But it does involve a lot of legal terminology which many will not understand, so I just summaried it up as i thought as I had a skim read, people like hope :)
The admins don't have to do anything untill it's in writing? All they have done is posted I on there own forums, not even in the news that's how lame they are... I doubt they have the paper work yet so who cares untill then!? Only the courts can sop them selling remember that, ib asking them not to sell is totally different.. If xen is smart they would sell as it shows they have nothing to hide delaying the sale shows they do have something to hide...
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