Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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Absolutely awful move from Internet Brands. I was swaying over whether to purchase a license tomorrow (won't be in a position to use it for some time) BUT IF the sale goes ahead, I will be buying. Heck, Kier and co should extend it to last 48 hours to make up for all the extra traffic here.

I doubt the lawsuit has merit. I cannot imagine that Kier, Mike and Ashley didn't take some precautions and predict a possible situation like this. I can see it doing some damage though by delaying things, and the timing (5:29pm on the day before) smacks of desperation from IB.

Brogan (or another mod) - do you mind if I post some links to cases on similar issues to this (no comments, just some links for people to read on similar situations) that have been before the courts? I don't want to dig out the notes from my llb degree if my post wouldn't be welcome :)
That is common sense, thank you. However, I'm still waiting for the labor law that deals with employement with a company based on foreign soil that backs up your claim that:

I will find it, remember this is not the US, the EU (UK) protect their citizens....
I will find it, remember this is not the US, the EU (UK) protect their citizens....

Every country protects their citizens (to a certain extent). Hence why I'm asking for the exact reference of UK/EU laws since I'm not familiar with labor law in UK/EU.
Brogan (or another mod) - do you mind if I post some links to cases on similar issues to this (no comments, just some links for people to read on similar situations) that have been before the courts? I don't want to dig out the notes from my llb degree if my post wouldn't be welcome :)

If it adds insight and not speculation, sure, :)
Just wanted to say that I support the XF Team no matter what their decisions are. Two licenses will go dormant come renewal time from the other side of the fence.
I strongly advise everyone to stop making assumptions and don't post messages that you can regret in future. This is a law suite between Ib against Mike , Kier and Ashley and in reality as IB sue'd real persons instead of company and Kier , Mike and Ashley's all savings are in danger. Please stop posting assumptions that can put yourself in danger also. It is a legal matter and we can't know what will happen as we don't have tons of required information that are key factors on cases like this. My only hope Kier , Mike and Ashley will not get effected as if they will loose they can loose way more then XenForo.
What zipper?

That one:
However, I'm still waiting for the labor law that deals with employement with a company based on foreign soil that backs up your claim that:
Josh, it's obvious Deebs is not a lawyer. What is the point in asking for law references from him?
We all here just letting our steam out.
I strongly advise everyone to stop making assumptions and don't post messages that you can regret in future. This is a law suite between Ib against Mike , Kier and Ashley and in reality as IB sue'd real persons instead of company and Kier , Mike and Ashley's all savings are in danger. Please stop posting assumptions that can put yourself in danger also. It is a legal matter and we can't know what will happen as we don't have tons of required information that are key factors on cases like this. My only hope Kier , Mike and Ashley will not get effected as if they will loose they can loose way more then XenForo.

I'm intrigued to know how anyone is putting themselves in danger here :P
Took a little digging, but I found this, from the 2000

When vBulletin was first released, there were a lot of threads of speculations about Infopop (UBB) suing vBulletin for the fact that, it was a copy of their software (just in PHP instead of Perl), with the exact look and feel. And actually that is how it was designed. For the first months even the contents of the FAQ were identical (not similar, identical), and you could actually map lines of code one to one.

That made a lot of buyers nervous, because they didn't want to invest in a software that could just go away or that would have legal trouble against a established company.

Sadly, I do not know the outcome of this (If they settled or if they even did a formal claim in court), but we do know that vBulletin soared to heights while UBB became a little less relevant in the forum scenario. And that was for an exact copy of the software.

It is like living again the past. A superior software in the horizon with lots of promises, filling the shoes of the previous product of a company that stopped listening to their customers. Whoever said in this thread that no matter the outcome we are living an important chapter of forum software, that is true. I almost say we waited 10 years for this one.
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