Integration with WordPress


Active member
Hey guys,

I was a vb user on a couple of my websites and I want to launch a new gaming site, which will contain a CMS part and a forum part. So far, Xenforo bought me on the forum part, since vb is such a hassle to mantain/configure/manage...but I don't know what to do about the CMS part.

Can Xenforo be integrated with Wordpress? I'm mentioning Wordpress because I really like the CMS and it has gone far. I'm basicly looking for people to make only 1 account that they use on both platforms. Is that achievable in any way with Xenforo..without ofc being a PHP programmer :)

Tnx in advance
ah and one more question..somebody here said something that the bridge has some limitations regarding users from XF..if any of you guys that already use this can shed a light on that one.. :)
I purchased the bridge last year, and I've yet to implement it. It just doesn't work the way I want it to, and I'd rather just not have it than have a half baked solution that really doesn't meet my needs.

While this bridge allows you to promote articles from WP to XF, I need it the other way around where I want to promote from the forums to the Portal page. While there are some addons available that do this already (like XenPortal), they're not flexible enough for my formatting needs to be a portal page.
Personally, I would explore some of the existing stuff....and try to ask the right questions.
the new Blogs add-on (updated - almost released)

BUT, if nothing was really right - or even if it was - I might wait a little bit or try to get a roadmap or whiff of whether the XF team intends to expand the forum in that direction (at least with simply blogging and pages).

I have started to check out Xencarta and am impressed. With the bbcode add-on, I think you or your users can make some really nice articles. But that may not be the direction you need.....

I think you have to be really specific as to what cms functions you truly need.
Ok, I'll tell you exactly what I want, it seems you guys know your way around. So, like I said, the site will have 2 sections, the CMS and the forum. The CMS will have articles, guides etc written mainly by the staff and the forums...well..the forums. The only thing I need is that the site itself CMS +Forum to have an unified user logging experience. What that means is that an user who made an account on the forums can post comments on the CMS, with the same username...and evidently, viceversa. Shortly, I just need that the registered users to be able to post in both places..that's it :)
Ok, I'll tell you exactly what I want, it seems you guys know your way around. So, like I said, the site will have 2 sections, the CMS and the forum. The CMS will have articles, guides etc written mainly by the staff and the forums...well..the forums. The only thing I need is that the site itself CMS +Forum to have an unified user logging experience. What that means is that an user who made an account on the forums can post comments on the CMS, with the same username...and evidently, viceversa. Shortly, I just need that the registered users to be able to post in both places..that's it :)

Well, sometimes you don't know exactly what you need until you do least in my case!

You may be surprised....certain existing add-ons may be able to do what you want!

This sounds crazy, but you have to know a little more - like "how large are these guides" and, pretty importantly, do the guides allow you to have multiple pages (most don't, but many don't need them!)....

In reality, all that most pages, articles and wiki/blog entries are....are a forum post, with fancier formatting. If you think of it that way, you could come up with all kinds of ideas......for instance....

1. Bobsters Showcase add-on
Forget about the name of it. This is really a wiki/article section of exactly the type you are talking about that allows the creation of tabbed content by certain people, but all can comment on them.

It does not have to be as graphics-heavy as his example and I'm sure you can do some tweaks for even more functionality.

2. The Resource Manager about to be released. Think outside the box. This might fit - it allows the posting of an article/resources/etc - with or without downloads, and then allows a discussion about it. All within XF and the whole deal is "stock". Furthermore, they are very likely to be expanding may the near future.

3. Forum posts - yeah, that sounds strange until you realize that there are probably ways (bbcode add-ons and various permissions) to create forums and sub-forums where only a certain group (staff and admins) can post. Then, everyone else can "comment" in the follow up posts. With a little customizing, you might even be able to limit the size of the they are more like comments, and disallow images (that's stock) and other things.

The Xencarta wiki can create very detailed articles - but I don't think it has comments (which means other users cannot comment on the entry). Jaxel (the author) may be able to be convinced to add this if enough of us ask him and donate!

I'm just starting to learn the possibilities myself. Notice that, even in VBB, the "articles" or blog entries are really just forum posts formatted differently and at the start of an article......yet they can look pretty fancy. I pointed to this before - you could really do this (or most of this) in a forum post, wiki entry or maybe even Showcase (not sure about all BBcode add-ons in showcase)...... phantom review

So that is just a forum post, explained to me by some here.

This addon

Is a library - sounds like it also may do. It also has custom fields available and is from a long time developer and member.
It can link an article to a thread. Talk to the developers about what you need....
discusses linking......

Edit - this does exactly what you want....

New version almost ready....

I guess the last piece is the question of trust in the developer. XF devs are usually small businesses and I would suggest you ask them in a thread or in a PM "hey, what happens if you stop developing, go out of business, get sick, etc. - will you then, at least, allow others to modify and update the codebase so I won't be left out in the cold?".
The Xencarta wiki can create very detailed articles - but I don't think it has comments (which means other users cannot comment on the entry). Jaxel (the author) may be able to be convinced to add this if enough of us ask him and donate!

Better than comments ... XenCarta can have actual discussion threads exactly like the RM.
Demo wiki thread:
- it's a long wiki article .. but see the discussion thread below !
Wiki entry itself -
- note the discussion tab with the number of discussions :)

ah and one more question..somebody here said something that the bridge has some limitations regarding users from XF..if any of you guys that already use this can shed a light on that one.. :)

Can you be a little more specific? Do you have a link so I can see what was posted? Using the XF member should work fine - but would have to know the directory layout of WP installed as well as XF.
tnx for the long and comprehensive reply craigiri..will take a look at those and make a bit of research. while I know that I can use the actual threads/posts to create articles, I really want a CMS (like WP) that will allow me to give other users (at some point) Editor rights. Also WP has its many advantages in the long run. I had a bad experience with VB's CMS for example, which in my opinion is the worst possible CMS solution that any given company can come up with.

Iph, the website isn't done yet, it will be done from scratch, I"m just in my research phase now. While I may give the impressions that I don't know what I look for, I actually have a great deal of experience with sites/forums...I'm just new on XF and I want to be sure that the solution I find in the end, will be viable in the long-run.
The users can be integrated I thought.

If you look on XenScripts, three IDs over the past week claimed there were issues. I offered to help but none provided details. I cannot confirm their issues were the script or something else.

Iph, the website isn't done yet, it will be done from scratch, I"m just in my research phase now. While I may give the impressions that I don't know what I look for, I actually have a great deal of experience with sites/forums...I'm just new on XF and I want to be sure that the solution I find in the end, will be viable in the long-run.

I think we posted past each other. I was not interested In a link to your site but a link to the the "somebody said"
If you look on XenScripts, three IDs over the past week claimed there were issues. I offered to help but none provided details. I cannot confirm their issues were the script or something else.

I think we posted past each other. I was not interested In a link to your site but a link to the the "somebody said"

sorry about that, i clearly misunderstood then :)
sure thing...once i get both platforms up and running (and preferably finding a designer around here who can create an unified style for both XF and WP)..i'll get a hold of you good sir.

tnx alot
a bit of an update...after 10 days..i'm proud to say that i've configured both platforms to look/feel the same..there's only 1 more thing left to do...buying the xenscripts plugin and sync the users on both platforms. Iph..i might stress you out a bit if things go south :D
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