XF 1.3 Install and vb4 migration Help needed.


Active member
I'm at a loss here. First of all, I am basically server clueless and do everything FTP for 13 years. I use tech support with my dedicated server. They do everything for me. I am on vb4 and have a moderate size site with a half million posts. 16000 members.

I upgraded vb4 to a new server before planning to migrate to Xenforo. Well now the database is corrupted and they are at a loss. I also thought they were doing backups which I see they haven't been.
So, there are corrupted InnoDB tables. The site has been able to run but it crashes after a while.

To get to the point, is there anyone here that could do this migration for me and somehow get it all resolved. Anyone here savy at fixing a corrupted database?

I'm pretty sure I know where I went wrong with the corrupted database before this upgrade. I deleted old usernames that were no longer active for years up to a certain time. This was about 35000 users.
I then rebuilt the site and it seemed to work fine. Then I proceeded to upgrade the server to plan on migrating over to XenForo (now). :) :(

Without writing a book here, is there anyone that can help, that I could hire to get this done for me? I'm at a loss and not rich by any means but need to get this happening.

What I need:
I want my vb4 back running so it is ready to migrate to XenForo,
I was on vbseo . I want my urls to redirect (if this is a wise move? dunno?) vbseo is also a big regret indeed.
I would like vbseo likes migrated.
I want to use the vb4 style which is available here. nice one!
I want to be able to have a similar ad format placement as vb4 so I can put my openx code in there and my clients aren't freaking on me.
I need keyword replacement add-on. I was using vbseo keyword replacement so i need something similar.

Can someone help?

Last edited:
is there anyone here that could do this migration for me.


Anyone here savy at fixing a corrupted database?


What I need:
I want my vb4 back running so it is ready to migrate to XenForo,
I was on vbseo . I want my urls to redirect (if this is a wise move? dunno?) vbseo is also a big regret indeed.
I would like vbseo likes migrated.
I want to use the vb4 style which is available here. nice one!
I want to be able to have a similar ad format placement as vb4 so I can put my openx code in there and my clients aren't freaking on me.
I need keyword replacement add-on. I was using vbseo keyword replacement so i need something similar.

I can do redirects.

I can do vBSEO likes.

Keywords are literally worthless now. Don't bother.

I'm at a loss and not rich by any means but need to get this happening.

vB4 with half a million posts isn't that bad. I can use the default web-based importer. It's not that much work so it won't be very expensive. Shoot me a PM if you want to discuss it.
thanks for chiming in. I am waiting to see if my support team is able to get my server back online. I will then contact you.
In the mean time, a have a few clients that pay to autolink keywords to their urls. What do you recommend?
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