Implemented Improve Prefix adding to fourms - very problematic


Well-known member
I find that adding a Prefix to a forum category is very problematic.
At the momemnt there is just a list of forums and one has to click on the fourm to add the prefix to.
This is a bit hit and miss.
I am sure some of my prefix settings have dissappeared.
It would be much better if there was a check box for each forum, then one could easily see which forums have that Prefix alloacted.
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And why don't you create all the prefixes at once without assigning them and then go to each forum and tick all the prefixes you want to assign to it? Or did I misunderstand the problem?
You CAN go to the forum and choose the prefix using a checkbox. You can even choose prefix groups. Go to the forum settings instead of the prefix.
And why don't you create all the prefixes at once without assigning them and then go to each forum and tick all the prefixes you want to assign to it? Or did I misunderstand the problem?
You can't "tick" them you have to click on the forum that you want. And I am pretty sure that some of my settings have disappeared.
I can't create them all at once as I think of new ones, and new forums that I want to add them to.
As I said a check box for each forum would be clear and easy.
If talking about assigning the prefixes where they are defined... already there.


And in the forum node itself

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