Importing a vBulletin 4.2.1 Big Board


Well-known member
I have a board with over 1.5 million post and over 700 CMS articles.

Could the importer that I assumes comes with xenforo support such a migration?
Would would i do with the articles?

What are some of the issues others have ran into?

I want to get a test forum up and hopes of going live in 6 months.
I guess my hope is they could be imported into a table so if xenforo offers a cms in the future they could be brought back to life. Could the official importer handle such a large database? Im curious to hear replies from others than have done the same.
I guess my hope is they could be imported into a table so if xenforo offers a cms in the future they could be brought back to life.
You can just copy the table in phpmyadmin from one database to the other. 700 articles maybe just a few MB, you can also export them in phpmyadmin as a .sql and then import them in your new database.

If you use the same database, you don't even have to copy the table.
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