MG 2.2 Image embed - is it me?


From one of my site members:
"I was able to upload some pics into " My Albums".
I'm not clear how to insert pics into a forum post or how to link for other forums."

I'm assuming he wants to:
  1. embed individual media items from his album into posts on the forum
  2. embed his individual media items served by my forum on other remote sites he uses.
It looks like embedding the whole album is an easy option:

The option for individual media iteam seems hard to find... in fact, I can't find the option now.

I actually can't find it to add a screenshot of what I'm talking about, but there were 2 more options for individual images.

And those options that I can't find let me do this... I'm a little perplexed here...
[URL=''][IMG width="300px" height="300px"][/IMG][/URL]
The embed button can be used for the site - you may need to add the button to the toolbar via the ACP.


To get the link to embed elsewhere, click on the sharing icon when viewing in the lightbox:

Or the full page view:
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