Lack of interest Image conversion on upload (i.e. PNG > JPG)

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Well-known member
We're getting an increasing number of large PNG files being uploaded by members, which takes up a huge amount of space compared to relatively compressible JPG files. This appears to be because Apple tablets/phones use PNG files as the default screenshot format, which a lot of our members use.

My suggestion is that we have an option to convert PNGs (and potentially other image formats) to a compressible image type (JPG). This would save a huge amount of space, as well as reducing the number of errors that users get when trying to upload a large PNG file (as once compressed, it'll be a reasonable file size).
Upvote 3
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As you bring up Apple, HEIC/F to JPG etc. would be nice as well as it's also used by Apple, but since it's unsupported on other platforms, that'd be best.

PNG to JPG would be great too, but I'd like compression rates optional so I could control certain aspects of it, ie higher compression on XF posts but 0 to little in XFMG to preserve media gallery quality.
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