XF 2.0 I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I've not set correctly. (Prefixes disappearing with merges.)


Active member
I have my forum(s) set up where prefixes are required to post new threads. One thing I've noticed over the last few days is when two threads are merged the prefixes disappear. This happens when the threads have different prefixes (IE: News prefix merged with football prefix) and when the two threads have the same prefix.

Is there a setting I've missed that will eliminate such issues?

There shouldn't be a setting for this, though I can't reproduce it either. If I make the target thread be one with a prefix, that prefix is maintained.

Can you confirm exactly how you're merging threads? Are you selecting the threads and choosing the "merge threads" option? If so, I don't see anything that would actually change the prefix or title of the target thread.
@Mike I used the term merge in that original post. I shouldn't have because it's confusing. Mea Culpa.

It's moving a posts from within the thread itself. I've merged this way and moved posts to another thread in the same fashion. There are no issues if the two threads are merged from the Thread View / node itself.

Both have the football prefix, a post out of thread is moved to another thread, and the prefixes disappear. It's no "huge" deal, just something that's a bit inconvenient if mods don't think about needing to edit the thread and add the prefix again.

Thanks for your attention here, Mike!

Can you just confirm what you have set in the move posts dialog?

Looking closely, that looks like a new thread rather than one of the originals (the title is all lower case). In that case, you should have option to set the prefix when creating the thread via that dialog.

Can you also confirm that you're running 2.0.1?
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