I upgraded to 1.1


Well-known member
Just a bit of feedback. Have updated my live forums to 1.1 (yeah I know, naughty LOL) and everything went fantastically. There are a few bits of bugs here and there, however absolutly nothing in comparison to any other beta software (or even first full release for that matter) that I have used before.

Skin update all went well too. A fair bit of change, but nothing too nasty to update in the slightest. New features and still working good as always.

Currently 31 members online, 204 in the last 24 hours, just under 500,000 posts . All upgraded and not a moaning user in sight :) AGAIN!!
Nothing naughty about that. I did it within 10 minutes of the moment it was released. If you are confident with your backup plan, take the plunge..I say!
Just a bit of feedback. Have updated my live forums to 1.1 (yeah I know, naughty LOL) and everything went fantastically. There are a few bits of bugs here and there, however absolutly nothing in comparison to any other beta software (or even first full release for that matter) that I have used before.

Skin update all went well too. A fair bit of change, but nothing too nasty to update in the slightest. New features and still working good as always.

Currently 31 members online, 204 in the last 24 hours, just under 500,000 posts . All upgraded and not a moaning user in sight :) AGAIN!!

I skimmed your post, and from it I got that .. .when you are naughty, things go fantastically :) Great advice !
Gratz on your upgrade
I skimmed your post, and from it I got that .. .when you are naughty, things go fantastically :) Great advice !
Gratz on your upgrade

LMFAO ........ Anyone skim reading wouldnt see kiers "not recommended on a live site" stuff anyways LOL, and probably shouldnt be running a forum for that matter
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