XF 2.2 How to turn off monthly email verification for all members?


Please see the image below. As you can see, it's going to do this every 30 days. I believe this will annoy my members, and I'd like to turn it off. The Ai chatbot wasn't much help this time. That account is the admin account. Thank you

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As a newbie that may be a little outside my expertise. Perplexity says "To find the src/config.php file, navigate to the root directory where you installed XenForo on your web server. Inside this directory, you should see a folder named src. The config.php file is located within this src folder."

I'm only comfortable using the admin control panel. I don't think I want to dig around in the server where it's all installed. Also I had someone else install it. I could have learned how myself but I wanted it done that day.
In the admin control panel check the usergroup permissions and set Require two-step verification to no for registered usergroup, and make sure no other groups are overriding it with a yes unless you specifically want them to.

I do think it’s best though to have an admin account require two step
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