How to pass a new variable to template.xml file


New member
I have installed my own custom theme to xenforo. In my template.xml file i can see the usage of some variable like {$requestPaths.fullBasePath} in the head section. If i want use another variable like these in the header section, where should i defined this variable and from where we can assign values o that variable?
Can you provide more information about what you are trying to do? That will determine the appropriate method.
Yes sure. I have added an addon Article into my site and it article list page, article view page and article edit page. For each article i have article title, article seo title and article description. I am loading on this content in the article view page using article id. So i can show article title and article description successfully on article view page. But article seo title i need to add as meta title in header(PAGE_CONTAINER) page. Only for article pages i have seo title as meta title all other page i have static seo titles. But for article page i don't know how to pass this article seo title to the PAGE_CONTAINER page.
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