XF 2.2 How to make the home page as 2 columns in default theme

the guy that set up my site did it in the extra less template.
and they look like this

Screen Shot 2024-05-11 at 11.35.06 PM.webp

i asked about trying to get it more on one line but he said it would probably take some template edits that he did not want to mess with.
With some css you can make it inline, it seems ugly to me
probably but i am new to xenforo.
and he did not want to mess with it as he uses paid styles.
as i learn more about the program i will modify it some more.
the point was it can be done, some in css and then some may have to be edited template.
neither of which i personally am good at.
from looking at what he did, it keeps the same information but just puts in into a grid?
probably but i am new to xenforo.
and he did not want to mess with it as he uses paid styles.
as i learn more about the program i will modify it some more.
the point was it can be done, some in css and then some may have to be edited template.
neither of which i personally am good at.
from looking at what he did, it keeps the same information but just puts in into a grid?
You don't need to edit templates, only with css.
If you can provide the site url maybe I can help
took about 5 minutes of looking and was able to clean up some.

screen forum home.webp
and a little more
screen forum bye.webp

or all gone
screen forum all gone.webp
or 3 columns

screen forum 3 column.webp

using the none css only hides it but does not remove the extra information.
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