How to install XenForo locally to your PC using XAMPP

How to install XenForo locally to your PC using XAMPP

Maybe login to your router and forward port 80 to the xamp PC's local IP address. (I've never tried this) Then open up a browser from offsite but using your Internet (WAN) IP address. To discover your Internet IP, go to
Mine worked out of the box so I had no need to tweak anything.

I'll merge this with the XAMPP thread also, best place for it really in case anyone else experiences the same problem.


Let me ask you something...

Twice now, I've had a problem with my database after a power failure. All the tables in my xenforo database are gone. All the canned databases (that come with xampp) are fine.

Have you ever seen this problem? It's becoming a pain in the arse to restore the database time and time again.
Thanks for this great guide. I'm making my first forum and have done it all locally using xampp. Now I'm ready to upload it to my site. From your guide if I'm understanding correctly, I just upload the contents of my "community" directory to my server and then I'm good to go? Seems a little too easy....I must be missing something? The database is in there and everything?

Pardon if this is a silly question, I know absolutely nothing about this kind of thing. I'm used to using wordpress and for some reason thought this would be just as easy...
From your guide if I'm understanding correctly, I just upload the contents of my "community" directory to my server and then I'm good to go? Seems a little too easy....I must be missing something? The database is in there and everything?
As you've discovered (based on your other thread), you also need to export the local database, create a new database on your server and import the local database.

You also need to update config.php if you use different database settings.

The database and server files are separate.
As you've discovered (based on your other thread), you also need to export the local database, create a new database on your server and import the local database.

You also need to update config.php if you use different database settings.

The database and server files are separate.

Yes, thanks Brogan. I think this was probably obvious to someone with more experience with forums! Everything is running smoothly now.
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