XF 2.1 How to install test forum on subdomain?


Active member

I have tried in vain to use the search feature to see if there is already a thread on this, so if there is and I missed it, I apologize.

My site is at https://www.twtex.com/forums/

I created a subdomain test.twtex.com

I have verified that the domain is working. It is not yet password protected, but it will be.

Is there a thread somewhere that explains how to go about making a copy of my existing forum and database on the subdomain for testing so I can do a few practice runs on upgrading it to XF 2.1?

Unless you need other people to have an access to a test forum, don't bother with subdomains at all.

Do the easy localhost way.

Donwload XAMPP and install it on your windows for example.
Move your XF directory files (your backup files) to htdocs folder which was created when you installed XAMPP.
Upload your database (your database backup) by either using localhost/phpmyadmin or by using shell.
Then you have on your local machine a copy of your live server. And do a test upgrade there.
I agree with @sbj. XAMPP is the best solution but test forums can also come in handy sometimes. It's really a personal preference. I prefer localhost myself. There are other solutions such as a VM like ScotchBox which is in the development docs. Never tried that one myself. I couldn't get it to work but I use XAMPP myself.
It's all installed, but when I go to access the forum, there is no forum list on the main page. If I click on new posts, I can see a list of threads and I can click on the forums the threads are in and see everything. I can see everything within a category. But when I click on Forums, I just get this,

Enable the listeners again and see if it is working then.

I have this in the config.php

$config['fullUnicode'] = true;
//$config['enableListeners'] = 0;
$config['enableMail'] = false;

$config['cookie'] = array(
'prefix' => 'test_',
'path' => '/',
'domain' => ''

That causes this "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." for both the Admin CP and the forum.

If I remove the comment for that line, I can get into the Admin CP and forum, but I still get the blank forum list shown in the attached image in my previous post.
Try this only:


$config['db']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['port'] = '3306';
$config['db']['username'] = 'xxx';
$config['db']['password'] = 'xxx';
$config['db']['dbname'] = 'xxx';

Replace xxx with your stuff.
Are you sure you enter the right credentials? Because from my experience, that one liner happens when you don't enter the right password for example or the other 2.

Are you talking about credentials for the database or for the forum user account?

I double checked the config.php file and the MtSQL database credentials are correct. Just to be sure, I went back into phpMyAdmin and reset the password.

As for the Admin CP/Forum, I can only get to the login screen if I have this in the config file

$config['enableListeners'] = 0;

If I comment it out, I immediately get that error and never get a log in screen.

I may just nuke it all and try again from scratch.
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