XF 2.2 How to edit info in the same page


Active member
I have a page template with a form to add/edit info and also the list of infos from the table.
Currently when I click on a item to edit, it redirects to a blank page with route admin.php?my-route/1/edit (the route is correctly set)

How can I edit the item in the same template (my-template) and populate data in the existent form?


  public function actionEdit(ParameterBag $params)
    $info = $this->assertGiftGroupsExists($params->info_id);

    $viewParams = [
      'info' => $info

    return $this->view('MyApp:Class', 'my-template', $viewParams);


    <xf:form action="{{ link('my-route/save', $info}) }}" class="block" ajax="1">
      <xf:hiddenval name="info_id" id="info_id" value="{{ $info.info_id }}"></xf:hiddenval>
      <xf:textboxrow name="name" value="{{ $info.name }}" label="Name" />
      <xf:submitrow submit="Save" fa="fa-save" icon="" />

      <xf:foreach loop="$info" key="$infoId" value="$info">
        <xf:datarow rowtype="current">
          <xf:cell><a href="{{ link('my-route/edit', $info) }}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Edit">Edit</a></xf:cell>
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