XF 2.1 How do I remove the confirmation message when marking forums read?


Hi, would anyone know how to get this done? I would be grateful for any help.

I'm referring to the Forums > Mark forums read (dropdown option). Many years ago in XF 1 IIRC this used to be the controller file, but unsure where it is now or if it's the same procedure.
Yeah, they don't like this question. I asked too. It's like we're trying to violate some core value they have. They even told me mark read was "destructive."

I did however get 3 PMs from 3 entities none of which had very many posts, assuring me they could do this on a paid basis no problem. Release it as an addon then, I thought.... As I ignored their offers.

In my humble opinion it should be an option we can toggle, native. It's quite annoying as it is. It's even a bit insulting, it assumes the user is careless and stupid and doesn't know it might crash the frikkin internet if he wants to just, mark the damn board READ. It says to us, "hey stupid idiot, are you really sure you want to do this?" It's sanctimonious.
I mean, if I press a button and get an unwanted result, I learn quickly to be more careful. It's self reliance, I don't need a Mother Hen to do something as trivial as marking the board read. It's annoying. Nobody's going to be hurt if they accidentally mark everything read. It's not going to break the site or the internet. It's not "destructive" in any way. It hurts nothing.
When they told you it was a destructive action, that simply means there is no reversing it. Similar to a hard delete vs. a soft delete. Most all destructive actions will have a prompt, and it is not unusual for support to not help in removing those prompts or to warn against it. But that does not mean you can't do it yourself, or ask how on the forum.
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When they told you it was a destructive action, that simply means there is no reversing it.
So, when I click "New Posts" there's no reversing that either.
Most all destructive actions will have a prompt,
Most all such prompts also come with a little checkbox that says, "Don't show me this message again."
it is not unusual for support to not help in removing those prompts
Suggestions forum. Gets removed.
When they told you it was a destructive action, that simply means there is no reversing it. Similar to a hard delete vs. a soft delet
Marking forums read is a routine action. It does not fit into the "destructive" category at all. Good reading here: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/confirmation-dialog/

Guidelines for Confirmation Dialog Design

  1. Use a confirmation dialog before committing to actions with serious consequences — such as destroying users’ work or costing large amounts of money. In particular, consider a confirmation dialog before actions that cannot be undone. (Though as mentioned, do try your best to offer undo — a key component of another usability heuristic, user control and freedom — in order to reduce anxiety and allow users to recover from major problems.)
  2. Do not use confirmation dialogs for routine actions. Like in Aesop’s fable, if you cry wolf too many times, people will stop paying attention to the question, and the confirmation dialog will lose its power to prevent errors.
Marking the forum read does not have serious consequences. And as mentioned before, if one does not like the results of it, one learns not to use it. Forum dwellers know what they're doing and what they want, when they press "Mark Forums Read." It's silly and it's denigrating, to have to confirm this routine action in a dialog box, with NO ability to have the dialog go away on checkbox, or to be toggled on/off by the admin in settings.
Plus, in xf you have to be logged in to mark the forums read at all. If as admin you allow mark read for visitors who are not logged in, they still get the "are you sure" prompt then if they confirm they get the "you must be logged in to do that" dialog.

So, I asked why the login requirement and the answer was "destructive action" then later, that answer and all posts after it were deleted.
A please-all solution could be, a tick box that says "Do not show this message again."

Then, you are warned. And you get to decide if you want it to show again (could be useful to remove for those that use that function a lot).

EDIT: I see you mentioned that. Perhaps suggest it or request the add-on.
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I've checked your posting history but don't see any deleted posts concerning a suggestion related to removing the confirmation.
It was the thread I started about this... There WERE several replies but now it's orphaned, just the OP still visible. Would you even see hard-deleted posts?
In my windows software, I add "don't ask me again" for every confirmation dialog. The users can also reset everything if they want to be asked again. I think this is common sense, but I may be wrong as I'm an old school Windows developer.
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