How Do I : Add a disclaimer text to the footer?

Where exactly do you want to add it?
In the footer bar, on the same row as the copyright text or lower?

There was a thread yesterday asking how to add links so that might provide some help:

In general though you can either edit the footer template and add your text inline either as text or a phrase.
Or you can create a separate template and include it in the footer template.
You can add your content just above the second last </div> on the footer template.

            <span class="helper"></span>
Your content here
Thanks Brogan,

I actually added it here as I wanted it under the copyright div:

<span class="helper"></span>
My Content

Now when there is a sw update does it overwrite the change?
If you want to do inline styling then something like this:
<div style="text-align: center; padding: 0 60px">Your content here</div>

You could though move that css to EXTRA.css as a class and then use e.g.
<div class="my_disclaimer">Your content here</div>
Here is how I did it for reference:

<span class="helper"></span>
<div style="text-align: left; color: #646464; padding: 0 180px">my content</div>

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