XF 2.0 How can I make sure that my site's issues on "Server error logs" are resolved

How can I make sure that my site's issues on "Server error logs" are resolved
On the main screen of the admin panel, I have errors under the heading:
Server error logs

After I fix the errors that appear there, how can I make sure that it is resolved and no more errors?
Is there a way to rescan the site again?
before and after i fix the errors i go File health check and make a test and the results was Success
So How can i make rescan to the Server error logs?
*Sorry about my english
It doesn’t scan. It reports a server error when one is generated.

File health check is to make sure all files contain the code expected. It’s to highlight if something hasn’t uploaded correctly or if someone has inserted malicious code onto your site.
If I think I've solved an error, how can I make sure it really is resolved
Wait for it to happen again... that's really the best way to measure if a fix worked.

If you get a error that doesn't repeat itself frequently, it could be a temporary condition. If the exact same error repeats itself, reliably, then you need to start digging into the source of the problem.
Wait for it to happen again... that's really the best way to measure if a fix worked.

If you get a error that doesn't repeat itself frequently, it could be a temporary condition. If the exact same error repeats itself, reliably, then you need to start digging into the source of the problem.

So maybe it was just a temporary error Because of the changes I make in personal design?
After I clicked Clear it did not reappear
It is common this errors?
So maybe it was just a temporary error Because of the changes I make in personal design?
After I clicked Clear it did not reappear
It is common this errors?
No idea what it was, but errors happen... it's just a fact of life.
Sometimes there's upstream communication error that has nothing to with your site... but you'll get an error if your site couldn't communicate with another service. (i.e. mail send/receive)

I see about 1-2 errors per week with about 300-400 people on the site 24/7. Other errors happen when I roll-out production changes, those are expected and we clear them after all changes are confirmed.
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